How To Look Cool When You Dance | STEEZY.CO

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So, you really don't look good when you dance, huh?
Well, here are 5 things you can do to make your dancing look cooler...😉
1. Textures & techniques
2. Moving in a 3D (not 2D) space
3. Committing your focus
4. Committing to everything
5. Giving 90 percent
Be sure to watch the full video to find out how each of these tips can help you improve!
If this video helped you out, be sure to share it with all of your friends so that they can look cooler when dancing too. 👀
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Thanks for watching!
With Love,
0:00 - Introduction
0:41 - Check Out STEEZY.CO for More Tips & Classes!
1:08 - Tip #1: Add Textures & Techniques
2:07 - Tip #2: Move in a 3D (Not 2D) Space
2:38 - Tip #3: Commit Your Focus
3:01 - Tip #4: Commit To Everything (AKA Confidence)
3:45 - Tip #5: Give 90 Percent Energy
4:30 - Rapid Tips!
5:08 - Outro
Get started on your dance journey today with STEEZY Studio. Learn dance fundamentals, workouts, and choreography anywhere, anytime from the best teachers in the world.
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