Communion at Home Addition for On Line Worship 10/4/2020

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Listen to Cross Connections Choir from BLC
Come Early: Sunday Live Stream 9:45am on YouTube: (NOT THE WORSHIP SERVICE) 10/4/20 9:45am Live for prayers and comments.

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be sure to share, follow, like and comment.

As you prepare your Communion Table at home, consider taking a picture of your setting of bread and wine or cracker or grape juice before the service. If you are willing to share, please send it to the church for inclusion in future videos. Sharing this visual is one more way we may be together, apart.

Thank You Michelle, Carolyn, Cal, Cross Connections, Janet, Laura, George, Brian, Peggy, Richard, Dan, Melissa, Bob, Jason, Elaine, Susan, Kara, Kathy, Melissa, and Alexis

Pastor Bill and all the people of BLC Santa Rosa.
Bethlehem is in the world.
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