Domain-Driven Design using Rails

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When the technical debt of a large Rails application for a non-profit certification body results in being on Rails and Ruby versions that are no longer supported? You convince the Board of Directors to undertake a project to move the core system to a "Supported Stack". (Shh, that really means do a rewrite!)
Following the philosophy and principles laid out in Eric Evans' book "Domain-Driven Design", the new Rails-based core of the Scrum Alliance's site is being designed as a business application first and foremost. This should keep a clear boundary between the "application" and the "framework" which have very different rates of change.
Presented by Rob Biedenharn.
Following the philosophy and principles laid out in Eric Evans' book "Domain-Driven Design", the new Rails-based core of the Scrum Alliance's site is being designed as a business application first and foremost. This should keep a clear boundary between the "application" and the "framework" which have very different rates of change.
Presented by Rob Biedenharn.
Domain Driven Design: What You Need To Know
Domain-Driven Design using Rails
RailsConf 2014 - Domain Driven Design and Hexagonal Architecture with Rails
[EN] Domain Modeling in Ruby on Rails with introduction to Domain-Driven Design - Paweł Strzałkowski...
[PL] Domain Modeling in Ruby on Rails with introduction to Domain-Driven Design
[PL] How to use DDD with Ruby on Rails, the path of a domain-driven warrior - Paweł Strzałkowski
Rails Architect Masterclass example - DDD at the code level
RailsConf 2017: Built to last: A domain-driven approach to beautiful systems by Andrew Hao
[EN] How to use DDD with Ruby on Rails, the path of a domain-driven warrior - Paweł Strzałkowski
[EN] DDD in Ruby on Rails - Aggregate Pattern - Paweł Strzałkowski
RailsConf 2024 - What's in a Name: From Variables to Domain-Driven Design by Karynn Ikeda
Triple D (Domain Driven Design) in Rails - Oleksii Drobazko (ENG) | Ruby Meditation 24
Hexagonal, Onion & Clean Architecture
Domain Driven Design - Alexander Kudrin (ENG) | Ruby Wine
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2014 - Build Complex Domains in Rails by Mike AbiEzzi
Lessons learnt from introducing DDD in Ruby/Rails projects
ElixirConf 2017 - Perhap: Applying Domain Driven Design and Reactive... - Rob Martin
RuPy 13: Ruby loves DDD / Emanuele Delbono
RailsConf 2014 - Modeling on the Right Side of the Brain by Nicholas Henry
Getting modules right with Domain-driven Design by Michael Plöd @ Spring I/O 2022
RailsConf 2014 - Rails as an SOA Client by Pete Hodgson
'GraphQL-DDD on Rails architecture' by Paul-Armand Assus
DDD (Domain Driven Design) 101 — Alexandre Fedossov, Orca Security // TechSpot
Andrzej Krzywda - Typical DDDomains In Rails Apps - wroc_love.rb 2022