Skillet: Psycho in my Head [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

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Skillet's official music video for their song "Psycho in my Head" from their deluxe album "Dominion: Day of Destiny" - available everywhere now.

Dominion: Day of Destiny

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#Skillet #PsychoInMyHead #DayofDestiny
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Part of what makes Skillet so good is that it doesn't pretend that anybody lives a painless or sinless life. Not Christians. Not anyone. We all got pain, crosses, and suffering. We all got sins, vices, and shame. Skillet is a Christian band that's raw, relatable, and honest. They say "Life is hard... but it's worth living and you can do it. We want to teach you that you can do it." No wonder they've helped a lot of people through dark times.


I'm 38 and Skillet is the only band that I've been continuously rocking out to since my highschool days. They age like a fine wine. Amazing.


Skillets progression: the best from each album
1996: I Can
1998: Locked in a Cage
2000: You're Powerful
2001: Stronger
2003: Collide
2006: Whispers in the Dark
2009: Awake and Alive
2013: Not Gonna Die
2016: Undefeated
2019: Back to Life
2022: Dominion


Maybe I'm just paranoid
Or maybe I'm just livin' a lie
Can't stop this screamin' voice
Or maybe I'm just sick inside
This is the face
I hate the other side of me
Out of this cage
He breaks to take the life from me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
I'm not crazy
There's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me
There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my head
Livin' in hysteria
Nothin' makes much sense tonight
Maybe I'm too scared to trust
To stop the chaos in my mind
This is the face
I hate the other side of me
Help me believe
I need to see the light in me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
I'm not crazy (crazy)
There's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me
There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my
Maybe I'm just paranoid
Or maybe I'm just livin' a lie
Can't stop this screamin' voice
Or maybe I'm just sick inside
I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy
Though I might be
'Cause there's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me
There's a psycho in my
There's a psycho in my head
(Livin' in misery, misery, insane)
There's a psycho in my head
(Gonna be the death of me, death of me)
There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my head


I gotta say this is one of THE best songs we've ever heard from Skillet. It's one of the most beautiful and relatable expressions of the overthinking that comes from anxiety and depression and how it messes you up to the point where you don't even trust your own thoughts anymore. That's one of the biggest reasons why I love John Cooper's songwriting so much. He has the most unique and relatable way of expressing these kinds of things that everybody thinks and feels at some point, but nobody ever wants to talk about, and usually never even knows how to explain anyway. John, please never ever stop writing music!! ☺


Maybe I'm just paranoid
Or maybe I'm just livin' a lie
Can't stop this screamin' voice
Or maybe I'm just sick inside

This is the face
I hate the other side of me
Out of this cage
He breaks to take the life from me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
I'm not crazy

There's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me

There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my head

Livin' in hysteria
Nothin' makes much sense tonight
Maybe I'm too scared to trust
To stop the chaos in my mind

This is the face
I hate the other side of me
Help me believe
I need to see the light in me
Tell me, tell me, tell me
I'm not crazy (crazy)

There's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me

There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my

Maybe I'm just paranoid
Or maybe I'm just livin' a lie
Can't stop this screamin' voice
Or maybe I'm just sick inside

I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy
Though I might be

'Cause there's a psycho in my head
I'm closer to the edge
Makin' me feel like I'm livin' in misery, misery
These voices in my brain
Starting to feel like it's gonna be the death of me, death of me

There's a psycho in my
There's a psycho in my head
(Livin' in misery, misery, insane)
There's a psycho in my head
(Gonna be the death of me, death of me)
There's a psycho in my, there's a psycho in my head


2:41 Jen's drumming here is insane! She looks awesome playing the fast parts on the drums. They should add more of that in the music videos.


I love that Skillet has developed a harder sound over the years, but sticks to their positive, Christ-centered message. I have loved them for years, and will continue on for as long as God keeps them rocking. This track is my current fav to listen to while lifting at the gym, and it sticks in my head all day!!


Bought the T-Shirt for this song in Denver last Sunday. Had the blessing to see Skillet on a military base last year, and it was by far my favorite show. They brought the truth of the gospel with them, and rock and roll! Love you Skillet!!




I don't know if there's any actually genuine christian folks who struggle with the same stuff I do, and I'm praying for anyone who does, but I wanted to thank you guys (Skillet) for all the work you've done over the years.

I've seen ya'll perform live at least twice before at Soul Fest, and every time I hear your music it feels like it ignites something in me, and I believe my fiancé feels the same way.

Skillet's music has helped us through pain, rage, trauma, and even pushed us to fight for our lives and love amidst the frustrating and agonizing times we've faced in our lives.

This song especially isn't just a "banger" to us; for me, it hits on a personal level.

I have major depressive disorder with psychotic features as well as chronic migraines, and we're both autistic with anxiety, so it literally "resonates" with us on a personal level.

It's difficult for folks like us to focus on love and life when our heads are enraptured by the pain and delusions.
It's hard to let God be at the center of our lives when the paranoia and anxiety get the better of us, and it's important to humanize those of us who are often called "monsters" and insane, and instead of locking us away or threatening us... working towards standing with us to fight against the voices and the thoughts, even when they sound so enticing.


I am a cancer survivor and this song means so much and relates so much. Mental battle is fare worse than any physical battle!!! Keep rocking it guys!! My non profit focus on the mental battle of cancer diagnosis

Love you guys, Jen your talent is inspiring. Coopers I hope you never retire!!! Rock on Skillet


I (19y/o) introduced my mom (62) to Skillet yeaaaars ago, always playing their songs on tv or in the car.
today she was "DID U KNOW SKILLET RELEASED A NEW SONG 2 MONTHS AGO ?!" and we vibed on it all the morning putting it on repeat.. Thank you for creating such moments Skillet ♥
(love from France)


This song is definitely their best one on the Album, finish line comes in a close second. Just everything about Skillet and what they do is just through the roof and out of this world. No one else is doing that they’re doing and honestly and they deserve more recognition than they are receiving now. Best band in the world change my mind


Oh my gosh I love this so much! It describes exactly how I felt this morning... I thought I was going crazy, turns out it was just my depression and anxiety making me feel like I was losing my mind.

Skillet is just amazing... I've been listening to them ever since I found them on a Christian rock radio station, years ago.


Who's listening to skillet in 2024? 🤘😁🤘


Сколько бы лет не прошло вы всё так же делаете шедевры. Спасибо вам, Skillet, за прекрасное время с вашими песнями! Процветания вашей группе!


YESS! THIS IS SO SICK! The part where John’s HEAD LIGHTS ON FIRE is METAL AS HECK! Rock on, Guys! 🤘🏻🔥


John's head lights on fire at the end of the video and it makes me think Ghost Rider was a part of this songs inspiration. The theme definitely fits him.


Skillet has been helping me through dark times in my life since 2008. 15 years later and they are still doing so <3
