The Breakdown of Where Your Tax Dollars Go

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Update the safety net. Have a means tested financial safety net, not a safety net based on government run programs for everyone.


That's wierd, if our money is mainly being used for social security and the other programs then why is it that people my age will see very little or no social security. Oh I know, it's because the way they spend the money makes it look like its going to those programs but then they borrow the money. What a joke, as if we're not giving them enough money. Maybe stop over paying for construction or stop pocketing it or giving bonuses or raises to those that don't do anything but look busy. Like a lot of the government. It doesn't help that we are paying for them to disagree on everything, and what do they do? They shut the government down and only pay the government employees that already take advantage of our taxes and then they get paid overtime because they lack the ability to compromise. Maybe they should ask the ones who are actually paying for all there wages and taxes. Of course I mean the american people, the very people who are getting ignored In the subject. Also this is before my time but the lotto money collected was originally suppose to be used for education. Oh ya one more thing, the money they take out of our paychecks for unemployment isn't going to unemployment. Why would they tax us and then tax the unemployment checks and then the kicker make the business that you where laid of from pay it all back. But why would they have to pay it back when the tax they collect from us is suppose to be covering it. I can keep going but why when no one even notices anything anymore. Like our infrastructure was a D- and our roads are going to crap but they still don't have the money to fix it. As if it was ever going where it should. A road I drive everyday had three months of construction for them to demolish the perfectly good road and move it over a few feet lol. The road wasn't even damaged. But a few miles up the road is bad, as in patch job after patch job. Lol maybe stop hiring idiots to spend our money we work hard for. And stop telling us that the money isn't enough when it wasn't even used for that purpose to begin with. But I guess if the people are not being directly affected by all of it then like the younger generation would say "I don't want to deal with it, it's to complicated." But they want to go onto facebook and tell us they are taking a shower or even make up new words. I'm sorry but we live in the world of information where everything is at your fingertips literally. I mean cell phones of course. And of all of us spend there time on social media where of all places change can be made. But all they want to do is look up how to do something or how to fix something and then not retain any of the information. Doesn't apply to all, but the majority it seems. I'm sorry but when I hear the reason the Germans lost against Russia is because the Russian soldiers where tough and they have there phone in there hand and still they are wrong that's sad. Maybe they just where not prepaid for the Russian winter. And the Russians who where wasting the Germans where pushed back to there capital where definitely more superior lol. Our education structure is a joke and you can tell, the so called budget and aptitude to learn is way up from even ten years ago. Scary one of those kids will be our president one day. Hope it's one of the kids that take things seriously and actually have a work ethic. Which most of them don't even know what that means. Lol
