Decatur Georgia vs North Decatur Georgia

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What is the difference between Decatur and North Decatur? The City of Decatur, Georgia and North Decatur, Georgia are two very popular places to live near Emory University in Atlanta. Decatur and North Decatur have a lot of similarities and attract people who want to live intown near all of the great things you can do in Atlanta. Watch this video to find out how these popular intown Atlanta neighborhoods are similar and what is different about them.


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I’ve been living in CoD for 8 years. Idk where you heard that they go through the trash to see if you’re recycling - they don’t, but tbh that would be great if they would.

The tree ordinance is much more strict that what you said. You are not allowed to cut down any tree at or better than “fair” condition. You must have a permit for dead trees, correct, but in addition you must replace the canopy by replanting specific species. You’re allowed to pay up to 50% of canopy replacement into a tree bank that is used to fund a replacement tree on public land.
