The Truth Behind Popular Beatmaking Myths

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"make sure to add some extra sauce on your beat if you want that bounce" killed me lmfaoooo cuz really good producers say this too. and im always like ugh be a bit specific.


Ive been watching producer content on youtube for upwards of 6 years now and have decides only a few creators are genuinely worth watching. You are definitely on that list sir. Thank you for your service


9th wonder started off in cool edit and Fruity loops. 9th transitioned to MPC 2500 and Maschine currently...the reason he was able to do that was because he understands how to make beats. When you are experienced you can use that point it's just a matter of finding the tools that work best for your workflow. These music tools all produce the same all depends on the user ...and how they rock it. If anything...the FLs, Serato Studio...etc are designed to make your workflow more efficient. So you can talk Dilla without owning an MPC, because we know it wasn't the MPC that made the beats, but the brain behind it... (Lol and this was only a few seconds into your video...right when I saw that Dilla comment I had to say something...)


Most YouTube tutorials are made by a bunch of "producers" who just really want to flex their Young Thug type beat making skills. Very few people on YT actually help actual producers.


Mr.D you are such an asset to the beat making community


man lemme just say that theres a clear point in time in which my beats got way better faster and its when i started watching you.


Madlib has been very open the last few years that he's been making beats on an iPad. I imagine he uses techniques he learned from Dilla. It all comes from within. The tools are just how you convert what's inside to something that is sharable outside. This video contains great advice.


This is crazy, I have been making music for over a year now and early on I believed so much of this stuff. Eventually, after continuous time and effort I realized that it was all non-sense, and now that I'm at peace, you posted this video to verify my thoughts. Thank you.


Damn my boy said “psychologically speaking, yall fuckin suck if you think like this” 😂 loving the vids this is gonna help me a lot I appreciate it.


Another thing I often find people do is they believe more in a beat is better, if you don’t have more than 15 loops your beat’s gonna suck, which is baloney. Sure if made well you can make some super intricate beats but it’s often best (especially as a beginner) to go sweet and simple.


It come down to shortcuts with daws. Whatever you're most comfortable with matters the most


Your videos are a Godsend! You break down & simplify much needed information in the most logical & grounded fashion! Thank you!


Between some fundamental concepts and ideas, to the more intermediate breakdowns and techniques, there's been personal growth that's helped tons. The confidence established has created a work flow that's been coming in chapters, but a pace that's been helping with a myriad of styles and structures.

From the outside, in - your time and effort is much appreciated. Thank you. 🤲


Thanks for being a legend and articulating these ideas so well. Appreciate you man!


It’s soo cool that your talking about psychology and the locus of control and how we should focus on skills instead of our gear or plugins instead also I think it’s important to focus on pushing your self to learn and experiment and gain a solid skill set before forcing your self to focus on output of beats also explaining the proper path of learning is something alot of us should understand I spent so much time trying to learn all these vague skills from YouTube but couldn’t retain them to actually make it apart of my skill set this is why I find myself going back to your course time and time again because it’s these core principles that actually stick with me when making beats I’m much more interested in the why behind production decisions instead the how to’s another excellent vid navie senpai hahah


Really good advice for musicians! I'll take it into consideration for my future beat-making sessions.


This video is honestly so needed in the current culture. Honestly, most of it is just stuff I was taught during counselling. This was before I was interested in music making, and I was sent there for school since I was slacking on all of my classes. But I stayed with them because the point of the counselling sessions was about how to LEARN, and not how to do school.

This video is just like that experience, cause the video isn't even about how to make beats, its about how to learn. This is a mindset you apply to learning ANY new skill.

Heck, with the rubix cube example? Most of what we ACTUALLY spent counselling on was just my counsellor teaching me how to solve a rubix cube. Not through a step by step process, but with how to approach the scenario, what to look for, what patterns I want to create with it, how I can solve any rubix cube pattern. Cause he was showing me what to look for when you learn a new skill.

Right now culture seems to facilitate the opposite mindset where tools, grinding without experimentation, and following shit through a step-by-step process are the ways to succeed. But no, you become better by experimenting and trying new things, seeing what works, and knowing what made them work.
And sometimes people treat youtube tutorials like the "rules of art", like that one spongebob episode where squidward is teaching spongebob how to be an artist. Any form of self expression can't just be copied from 1 to 1.


this video actually motivated me to stop what I was doing and make a beat to see what I really know about the fundamentals. I don't really post my beats much or anything like that but I make beats to satisfy myself - not as a job. With that said I always try to take as much control as I can, not because I want to impress someone else or to make money, but because I owe it to myself to make the best beats I can, to express myself how I want. Thanks for this.


Such a relevant topic! Pay attention, kids. Navie D is dropping gems of experience and deep thinking here.


I really needed to hear this.. I've been stressing myself out about posting. Thank you!!
