The Amazing Transparent Man (1960, Sci-Fi) Marguerite Chapman, Douglas Kennedy, James Griffith

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Invisible and Deadly! A nation at his mercy!
Paul Krenner, an ex-major with delusions of grandeur, has forced scientist Peter Ulof to develop a radiation-based technique to turn men invisible, with which process he plans to create an invisible army to sell to the highest bidder. He busts safecracker Joey Faust out of prison and forces him to undergo the invisibility treatment so he can steal more radium to further the experimentation. Plans go awry when Faust discovers there is a side-effect to the invisibility treatments he didn't count on.

Original title: The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)

Director: Edgar G. Ulmer
Writer: Jack Lewis
Stars: Marguerite Chapman, Douglas Kennedy, James Griffith
Genres: Classics, Cult, Sci-Fi, Horror, Crime
Budget: $100,000

00:00 Full Movie (with subtitles)
03:26 A criminal is recruited by a former military officer for a dangerous mission involving fissionable materials.
09:57 A secretive laboratory conducts dangerous experiments with a new ray technology.
22:40 Intrigue and betrayal unfold as characters navigate a dangerous situation involving a powerful ray gun.
30:16 Intrigue and betrayal unfold as Faust becomes invisible, leading to a dangerous deal with Krenner.
36:59 A scientist experiments with invisibility, leading to a heist plan and ethical dilemmas.
42:24 A criminal plans heists using invisibility. Authorities struggle to stop him and his accomplice.
50:36 A man with radiation poisoning is manipulated to help create an invisible army for a deranged military officer.


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This film is better than these recent unbearable Marvel heroes


¡Muy buena pelicula! Gracias por compartirla 🤗💯


So relieved no actual guinea pigs where harmed in the making of this film 🤪


These old films are before my time but they are like comfort food to me. Maybe it's the efficient pace and dialogue.


Me gusto la personalidad de Faust, el Doctor Ulof y Krenner, siento que los demas estan por rellenar.
A pesar que suene obvio y que estan aprovechando del concepto de El Hombre Invisible de la época, al menos es entretenida.


The director of this B movie, Edgar G. Ulmer (1904-1972) is one of the subterranean joys of American cinema. He frequently had to make films like this one on the stingiest of shoestring budgets. But he put his own signature stamp on many of these, and one of them, Detour (1946), is frequently cited as one of the all time great film noirs.

Very briefly, the plot of The Amazing Transparent Man (1960) is that Former U. S. Army major, Paul Krenner plans to conquer the world with an army of invisible soldiers and will do anything to achieve that goal including springing a hard boiled criminal from jail. With the help of his hired muscle, Julian, Krenner forces Dr. Peter Ulof to perfect the invisibility machine Ulof invented. He keeps Ulof's daughter, Maria imprisoned to keep Ulof in line.
From TCM---"Probably the most resourceful director of the American cinema, Edgar G. Ulmer carved out a reputation for making stylish, strange and often innovative films while being shackled to budgets that were, by Hollywood standards, microscopic. Working outside the major studio system had its drawbacks but Ulmer accepted the lack of production resources in exchange for a much greater degree of creative freedom. Ulmer used this freedom to explore his personal interests and to bend, almost to the breaking point, the conventions of genre filmmaking.

Produced for Miller-Consolidated Pictures (MCP), a short-lived concern that hoped to tap into the low-budget drive-in market which thrived on exploitation pictures, The Amazing Transparent Man (1960) would test the limits of how quickly and cheaply a film could be made. Ulmer was given a small crew in Dallas, Texas, and was afforded only eleven days to shoot not one but two films. One of these films, Beyond the Time Barrier (1960), was a science fiction spectacle and, by its very nature, consumed the lion's share of Ulmer's production budget, requiring more sets, costumes, props, actors and perhaps the most precious commodity of all: time. The futuristic drama was filmed first, and any remaining time was devoted to the second feature.

As if matters could not be worse, The Amazing Transparent Man faced another obstacle when the hotel which housed the cast and crew burned to the ground after the first day of shooting. But Ulmer was contracted to deliver two films and two films he delivered. One (Time Barrier) is a tidy little sci-fi thriller, laced with political allegory. The other film is less easily categorized: a remarkable exercise in cinematic thrift and reckless creativity.

There were no illusions about the fate of The Amazing Transparent Man. The finished film lasts just less than one hour, barely long enough to qualify as a feature, guaranteeing its place on the lower berth of a double or triple bill. Ulmer was therefore relieved of the burden of narrative coherence and deep meaning. He could weave an extemporaneous thriller that was swift, energetic and perfectly fitting the designation of "added attraction."

Scripted by Jack Lewis, The Amazing Transparent Man compensates for its technical shortcomings by sending itself in a half-dozen thematic directions. On one level it is a modernized retelling of Goethe's Faust, as the criminal sells his soul for magical powers that promise wealth, power and love. It is also a Cold War thriller (complete with stock-footage A-bomb detonation in the final reel). It is a heist picture. It is social commentary (a German doctor during WWII, Ulof was forced to experiment on concentration camp victims). It is an homage to the classic horror film (specifically James Whale's The Invisible Man, 1933).

But no single film can be all these things. Eventually, the entire plot explodes and Ulmer abruptly ends the film with the cinematic equivalent of a question mark: a character, faced with a moral dilemma of monumental proportions, turns to the camera and says, "What would you do?" Roll credits.

Corners were cut not only in narrative structure but in the special effects as well. Only a handful of optical shots were used to depict the "transparency" of Faust. Instead, Ulmer was satisfied to show doors opening and closing, objects hanging from wires and, most brilliantly resourceful of all, to merely focus the camera on empty sets, as if someone were actually there.

The publicity artists of MCP likewise reaped the value in invisibility, and released the film with the following warning: "Joey Faust, escaped convict, The Amazing Transparent Man, has vowed to 'appear' invisibly in person at every performance of this picture in this theatre. Police officers are expected to be present in force, but the management will not be responsible for any unusual or mysterious happenings while Faust is in the theatre."

The Amazing Transparent Man is lean, fast paced, dark and has a gritty widescreen B&W look that reminds me of many of the French New Wave films around this time. It also has some extremely nasty little scenes, like the one at 26:27. Lasting less than an hour, this fine Edgar Ulmer film from poverty row will keep your attention all the way through. This print is excellent!


Gotta love those old Ford & Chevy's they use in these pictures! 👍


James Griffith resembles Zachary Scott who resembles Lee Van Cleef....


Cuando te veo... ❤


Hey guys haven't you noticed that all your movies are floating, focus and out of focus, one moment the picture is clear and the next it's blurry and this keeps happening all the time until you stop watching the movie because you get a headache? And this happens in all your films. As soon as I see that a movie I'm interested in has been uploaded by your channel I don't watch it because I say "oh it will be the same problem again". What's wrong; Is it your equipments fault? I have not seen this on any other channel. All other channels that upload movies don't have this problem only you. Αnd when you watch the movie from your mobile phone screen the problem is not big, but when you watch the movie on a 55-inch TV the problem is obvious. You don't see it?


ฉันอยากให้คุณอัพโหลดภาพยนตร์ Le Trou (1960)


in the film Flight to Mars there are some fine shots of Marguerite Chapman's legs as she wears a very short tunic.


Who doesn’t want to watch a movie about an amazing man 😂


Not as good an ending as 'Kiss Me Deadly'...were they trying to nick that vibe?


Our stars didn't get where they were by thinking average.And who's to say what grandja really is change?It's not a fact it's an opinion


