How to design a simple Game in MATLAB using App Designer?

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This video explains the steps to create a simple game in MATLAB using the App Designer GUI tool.

Complete source code is available at:

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I have a project assignment(Two players, A and B, play a game called Eights. They take it in turns to choose a number 1, 2 or
3, which may not be the same as the last number chosen (so if A starts with 2, B may only choose
1 or 3 at the next move). A start and may choose any of the three numbers for the first move.
After each move, the number chosen is added to a common running total. If the total reaches 8
exactly, the player whose turn it was wins the game. If a player causes the total to go over 8, the
other player wins. For example, suppose A starts with 1 (total 1), B chooses 2 (total 3), A chooses
1 (total 4) and B chooses 2 (total 6). A would like to play 2 now, to win, but he can’t because B
cunningly played it on the last move, so A chooses 1 (total 7). This is even smarter, because B is
forced to play 2 or 3, making the total go over 8 and thereby losing. Write a script to simulate
each player’s chances of winning if they always play at random). Could you help pleaseee??


Great video, can you please make a video about drawing more than two circles in simulink using 'draw shapes' tool. Or any related methods to draw more circle in one plot in simulink with out calling to workspace.


I have faced basically 2 problem.

1. Before pressing start button, when I press image button, the value 10 is taken by default, but that can't be happened

2. Please add one more button that's RESTART,
after pressing restart button, everything Will be in same sequence,

Please make another video of that


Hi there,

I have a Matlab script the output of which should be plotted on GUI pane rather than on a separate MATLAB figure tab. For running or calling the script, I am using inbuilt evalin function. However, It is still plotting on separate MATLAB figure tab.

After figuring out the problem, I brought the same script in MATLAB App Designer environment by including the app function. Still it's not working out. Can you please enlighten me on this.


Can you make videos on how to use knob, gauge, slider and plotting voltage on UIaxes. Thanks


very useful. I have requested for complete code. Thanks


hello, Can I know how to stop the game ? I have given a score for the pictures I made. The time exactly doesn't stop at zero and instead it is one while decrementing. The score also keeps scoring before I can click start button basically etc


getting error like togglebutton is undefined....In command window line 3


time isnt decrementing .. what would be the problem?


Please give me the program line for restart and highest score function.. Please sir


in t.TimerFcn =@(, thisEvent) what is written
