Whistleblower's Attorney Calls Out Jim Jordan's Lies

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"An attorney representing a whistleblower in the intelligence community who filed an inspector general complaint at the center of the impeachment proceedings lashed out at Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Tuesday, accusing the congressman of lying and spreading conspiracy theories.

Andrew Bakaj tweeted Tuesday that Jordan had lied about who the unnamed whistleblower had contacted before filing a report with the intelligence community's inspector general.

"Congressman @Jim_Jordan - I AM TIRED OF YOU LYING IN A HOUSE COMMITTEE ROOM IN FRONT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. My client hired ME - no one else in leading up to filing the disclosure with the ICIG," Bakaj tweeted, referring to the intelligence community inspector general."

Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson, Adrienne Lawrence

Cast: Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson, Adrienne Lawrence


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The whistleblower didn't start this mess!! trump and his cronies did..


Jimmy Jordans just as guilty as Trump and as dirty


Jim Jordan is a disgrace to Capital Hill, He is a bully, ignores people who are witnesses giving testimony, he is a despicable person to be in the position he was voted for, he is a piece of 💩


Not only is it intimidation - ITS A FEDERAL CRIME - Voting BLUE across the board in 2020!


Jim Jordan, you want the whistle blower to speak, but why didn't you speak for the young boys that was be rapped? Jim Jordan shouldn't be able to speak for the country PERIOD.


Gym Jordan is fine with crimes, as long as they're committed by republicans, or his pedophile buddies.


Gym Jordan has a history of ignoring things that happen around him.


But the guy that covered up sexual abuse of student athletes questioning others credibility is just a joke.


Many, many, many people, say that Jim Jordan is ethically and morally bankrupt.


Isn’t the whistleblower testimony irrelevant at this point, since other firsthand & secondhand witnesses have corroborated what was concerning??? 🤔🤔🤔


I would like to utlilize this platform to lay out a couple key points that have made me look at this whole ordeal as saddening, upsetting, but most of all frightening, because of the threat this whole situation has caused against our democracy. I am one of the proud Americans who watched all of the impeachment hearings. I applaud and honestly thank all those who chose duty over party. When I mention duty, it is not that of their political or military positions. It is the duty that they have as Americans to uphold one very fundamental thing that outlines, defines and lays out the groundwork of our nation, THE CONSTITUTION. In school I was taught the rights and liberties we have as Americans, but also I learned of the actions we can take when a leader becomes corrupted with the power that they yield from having control over the Most Powerful and Influential Government of the world. Why are these being ignored. When did accountability become a ruse or a weapon for use from an opposing party. The actions of our current POTUS have shown that any person or establishment that questions his decisions or actions, he renders them un-American. This, in my opinion, is the tactic used to cover the transparency that is demanded by the position. In choosing to be the leader of the United States, you no longer represent your own views, but that of the nation in which you lead. In my opinion, unfortunately, this President, because of his long standing positions as a businessman. He has not been able to make the transition into an exemplary leader that we the USA need. He has always shrouded himself in secrecy, and a democracy in the I have no personal quarrels against this president as a human being, but I believe that to govern this nation, he or she need to obey the rule of law, consider the facts and information provided by the intelligence agencies that protect us, but overall, govern themselves with the moral compass required to be an honest, transparent and responsible leader to be the example the rest of the world that is always watching. Be that friend or foe.


Jordan will face justice in Ohio and that state should make some soul searching as to the representatives they elect.


Jim Jordan is the loudest of the Republican voices which just means he´s the loudest liar.


Can both sides please understand one thing:

A whistleblower is NOT an accuser. A whistleblower is simply someone who provides a tip-off of wrongdoing they may or may not have first hand knowledge of.

The prosecution then becomes the accuser if the tip-off bears out to be true. A whistleblower is almost never a witness.

Only in instances where a whistleblower ALSO happens to have been a witness to the crime they are blowing the whistle on, in those cases the legislation protecting the identities of whistleblowers may be waived to reveal the identity, but only if it is absolutely necessary to proving the case.

Otherwise, a whistleblower is never a witness to the proving of a case, and their identity, or even motivation, is never relevant.

If you blow the whistle on your neighbor, that you overheard him saying his brother admitted that he was last month’s serial rapist in town, your tip-off to police doesn’t make you the accuser. The rape victims are the accusers, but the whistleblower or tipster simply helped the accusers find their assailant. And even if you had ulterior motives to report the accused, your motivation is irrelevant so long as the tip off bears out to be true and can be proven with witnesses and evidence other than the whistleblower.

The accused has no right to know who gave the tip-off/blew-the-whistle or why. It’s irrelevant to the case, and the law and the judiciary recognize that fact.


Jim Jordan’s insistence in not wearing a jacket itself is a way of saying “Look at me! Look at me!”


After seeing his recent black eye, I actually thought someone finally punched him out but no such luck. Dumb ass ran into a door!


It’s funny how vicious he is now. When he was at Ohio he was extremely quiet while kids were sexually assaulted at Ohio when he coached them. F Jim Jordan.


Jim Jordan was quite happy to keep the many complaints about sexual assault at Ohio state a secret!


How about the fact he turned a blind eye when boys were getting molested


"Ethically depraved?" Isn't that the definition of Republican?
