Assassin's Creed Valhalla - New GLITCH to Unlock All Paid Items!

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Glitch to helix credit items. Now a gamer from the community has found a new glitch for AC Valhalla to get free helix items (ie) Microtransation items in the game for free without having to pay any money. This glitch requires you to play River Raids DLC and go beyond the unaccessible Animus wall which has a secret pink box which is only suppose to be accessed by developers but thanks to Smart Glitch Gaming for finding this glitch in the game. We can now get all the Helix items in Assassins Creed Valhalla. Let me know in the comments if this worked out for you or not and what items were you guys able to get out of the pink box and were you able to keep the item in the game or not?

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Ubisoft is gonna patch this faster than any of the actual game breaking glitches they took so long to fix.


love how he started the tutorial 20 seconds in. No chitchat, No bullshit. You’ve just earned a new subscriber 😁


Well deserved tbh. I love Ubi and AC in general but they're screwing us good with this micro-transaction bs.


Even tho I’m just starting ACV, my first AC game, this kind of micro transactions on a single player game is just absurd and ridiculous.


This glitch is for fun only. It's important to note not only is this difficult to pull off but most players will not be able to keep the gear once acquired


They will patch this as soon as possible, took them ages to sort the bugs out but with money being involved with this glitch they won't know how quick to fix it


If it's in the game its technically ours. Why should anyone get banned for unlocking something that's in the game glitch or not, if anything this should be our reward for bug testing their game


I have the Bayek legacy outfit. It’s the only outfit that I need.


The amount of times ive heard so basically in each video is insane


2:38 it sounds like he’s saying butter instead of border


I feel like I’m gonna get banned doing this but I’m still gonna try


EDIT: Because there have been progress with this glitch that was not clear when I posted my comment.
Hate to say it, but what you are claiming is not true ("Unlock All Paid Items!"), the glitch yes is true, and you can only get the Valkyrie cloak and chest armor afaik, people found out a way to keep the items, get the item, disconnect your network cable from PC (or disconnect wifi), save your game then exit the raid, and you should be able to keep the item, note that this worked for people that had already both item in inventory, I personally didn't test this yet, but if I do, I will edit my post here with my findings.


Easier method for all of you:
Walk along the wall and try to find a tree that's standing so close to the wall that is has space in between, though just not enough to stand there. Try the method shown in this video, at that specific spot. You'll end up getting in-between the wall and the tree. Though, do not move your left joystick while laying on the ground. Just aim with your fishing rod multiple times, and the tree will eventually push you through the wall.
To get back to your ship, use the same method. Try walking towards the woods 😉


Thank you for actually getting to the point unlike another ac youtuber we all know


In the river dee map there is a part that you can go under the area not available force field and can explore the other side


I finally got glitch to work. I got the cloak, upgraded and added runes. It still disappeared when I got back to the settlement. I went back to try it again. Box is still there but you can't get anything from it. I ran right around the river exe map and didn't find any other boxes. Even if I could keep the cloak it isn't really worth it on its own other than for looks. I hope more are found and there is a way to keep it.


It worked for me after a couple of attempts finally by holding the aim button after selecting the fishing hook right in a small window just when I was about to hit the ground. Eivor then kinda glitch rolled and got me to the other side. It's only the Valkerie Cloak inside tho. Other dev boxes may be scattered in other places


No intro just right into it
You deserve a sub


Just to give you all the heads up, that’s the only developers box that’s been found and it always gives you the same piece of armour


Thank you for the shout out mate but using my footage without asking is another level. You should have asked first. BTW i have a second and third box on my channel too so would love people to check that out
