The beauty and complexity of finding common ground | Matt Trombley

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How can we disagree with one another, respectfully and productively? In this thoughtful talk, team builder Matt Trombley reflects on "agonism" -- the tendency to take a rigid stance on issues -- and shares why finding aspects of agreement can be the first step in resolving conflict. "When you can find even the smallest bit of common ground with somebody, it allows you to understand the beautiful wonder and complexity and majesty of the other person," he says.

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Great speech! I definitely always look for common ground.. :)


This guy claims to be Christian, but he cuts his hair and shaves his face. Lol. Actions speak louder than words, man. Would be nice if you could stop bullshitting us, that's all.


Well you said something I really believe in it (concentrating on common things between us) I absolutely agree with him.
Diversity is life nature so if we take it as reason to hate each other is will be an awful thing. Life is about accepting and sharing.
If you see one colour is not like if you see many different colours !!! Diversity is grace and beauty.


watching this makes me want a Whopper Junior.


I really appreciate Matt's view. He demonstrates the true love and equality that exemplifies the essence the christian faith- what it should be. He seems to truly practice the faith he professes. I left the church years ago and often feel reticence when hearing a faith based message but I didn't feel that way when Mr.Trombley spoke.


This talk is garbage, mixing one good concept with a bunch of religious lies, the bible says "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." You're perfect savior wants death not common ground...
