China Just Found a MASSIVE Loophole to Survive US Sanctions!

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00:00 - America's Plan to Contain China
02:45 - Athletic Green Sponsorship
04:11 - How Will China Survive?
06:55 - China's Massive Loophole
08:24 - How Long Will Chip Sanctions Survive?
10:51 - Why China is Important for the World

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USA please spend your time and energy to solve your own problems at home and leave China alone.


The world's biggest troublemaker should be REMINDED that 1.4 billion and millions of Oversea Chinese are more UNITED and STANDs Together to FIGHT its Hegemone Huhuhu✌✌✌


As an American Veteran and lover of Asian culture. I’m very grateful for your videos and the awareness they bring.


The couch potatoes nation thought they could set the most hardworking nation light years behind. Infact it helped China to be more independent and self-sufficient.


Instead of collaborating and helping each other thrive, the US is obsessed of being number one.
The rise of China is inevitable, the US politicians can kick and scream all they want. They can slow them down a bit but the resiliency, determination and the resolve of the Chinese will determine the outcome.
I remembered not too long ago the US banned China from the international space station program? China built their own ISS soon after that.
Success really is how many people you can help along the way, and not obsessing with being number one.


...and U S accuses China of economic coercion 😅😅


THe US is doing the World a favour by relying less on the US


Imagine if Murica spends all its resources and energy to better its own country's infrastructure and people.


when you are 40% of the global semiconductor market, any sanctions on you invariably turn into sanctions on semiconductor producers. Surprise surprise, the US underestimated the blowback and now the entire semiconductor sector is in freefall.


China does not need to find loopholes to "survive" US sanctions. China has all the resources to counter any US sanctions without searching for loopholes.


If you believe China is a peaceful and progressive country, raise your hand ✋👍🙋


The US is making its enemies stronger by imposing sanctions on them, they are making them more and more independent, just look at Russia for example, they are the biggest exporters of wheat in Europe since EU placed sanctions on exporting agricultural product to Russia in 2014 ... Russia now produces most of its own agricultural products


Just imagine China has become the Wealthiest Nation on earth with no slaves, never invading other nations and stealing their resources. Is this why these Christian nations are so mad at a nation, who peacefully and through hard work and genius, bright people can succeed in over-taking others who got rich through Criminal means?


There is nothing that China cannot do because Chinese nation is hardworking, smart and resilient.


I like how everything US does backbites it.


When the U.S.A specifically banned China from the International Space Station (ISS), China built their own. While it took 15 nations to build the ISS, China did it all by their lonesome self.
China is the biggest market for microchips, and, without any doubt, China will be self-sufficient in their microchip consumption. The world will then have a choice of US$100 made-in-U.S.A microchips or US$30 made-in-China microchips which are of equal and even better quality.
The writing is on the wall for TSMC that if they become fully dependent on their manufacturing plant in the U.S.A, they will not only be subjected to the will & fancies of the U.S.A government, but also how they can conduct their business which is a recipe for disaster.


What is the rights for the US to stop others from developing into superpowe


The United States has demonstrated how they can violate WTO rules in the name of national security. My country, Indonesia, along with others, can argue to the WTO or EU regarding the definition of free trade when national security is involved. Each country should prioritizes their own national security, especially with regards to raw minerals. The EU complained when we banned raw nickel exports, yet the West is hypocritical in their actions. They act without consequence while obstructing the global south. However, this power dynamic will eventually shift. If the WTO cannot be balanced in this matters, then we might as well leave the WTO and deal any trade deals with respective countries without them. Sound better to me personally.


The best way for the US to reduce inflation, lower interest rates and save its banks is to remove all these tariffs and sanctions on China. It will see an immediate reduction in prices. What am I saying. Does the US government really care about the welfare of its own people?


Is good that the US start the sanctioning. So that the Chinese can become more independent than ever in tech. Thank you so much to Trump, Biden and the bipartisan congressmen and women.
