Make My Dog a “Real” Service Dog? Service Dog Testing and Training Path Explained

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Does my dog need to pass a test to be a "real" service dog? In this video I talk about the American's with Disabilities Act requirements for service dogs as well as the testing structure I use to ensure that my service dog is up to industry standards, and how you can use this testing structure to create a training plan for your dog as well as feel confident that your dog is meeting service dog standards (and get ribbons for all your hard work!).



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Рекомендации по теме

It's the imposter syndrome that gets me all the time. I try so so hard to train my dog. Thanks for providing standards!


Can I just say, I did not think I needed a psychiatric service dog when I bought my bully puppy, I realized how much I struggled to be in public alone or even with someone I knew. So I started service training later in her life, and I've struggled so much as a new handler. You have been helping me so much, and I really just want to say thank you.


Mine was a five year old cattle dog before I trained him for my service dog. We started with short walks downtown. Then we moved up to non food stores. I always took him when foot traffic was at a minimum for each change. My final stage of training was trips into our local casino. Training time was with a short leash and a standard collar. His leisure time is with a thirty foot lunge line. He knows the short leash means he's on duty. I had no one to help me. We live in a small town. It was the amputation of my right foot that gave him a new job. Solid black shepherds are perfect for this work.


I have used this for my husband service dog. Then when he passed April 3 of this year I used it to further Pugsley's training as my service dog. I highly recommend it.


I recently acquired a Goldendoodle. I’ve been training her to be my service dog. Right now I’ve mainly been concentrating on taking her everywhere I go. I’ve been teaching her to sit right next to me whenever I stop walking. She has been doing a lot of things on her own. Without me even teaching her. When she does, I reward her by giving her lots of praise and petting her. (She’s not into treats) For example: we were at the grocery store and a door in the back opened. A very large cart full of food to put on shelves came out. Well of course, she didn’t understand what it was. To her it looked very dangerous. So she pulled me out of the way by tugging on her leash. Also, if she thinks a pathway is too dangerous, she will refuse to go, and will direct me to another path. And she never barks.


I'm training my own dog because getting him professionally trained is too expensive, and I always feel like I'll get laughed out of the room bc i'm not blind or anything. I'm training him to help me get up from sitting down safely, as a support so i walk straight/don't fall over, and as someone capable of keeping my head safe and safely lowering me to the ground if i faint. Thank you for this!


As someone who lives in Connecticut and feels like there's barely anything here it's awesome to know there's actually a lot of evaluators and resources! Woke me up immediately when I heard my state mentioned lol no one ever talks about us


Thanks so much for the mentions and for educating the public! Great video!


If we don't regulate ourselves, and take responsibility, the gov will have to step in and do something. If your dog can't do the task, then the dog should not be presented as a service dog. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. A huge part of this is that few dogs actually have the temperament to ever be service dogs.


My dog is a ''Natural''Assistance dog - a wonderful gentle dog who ignores all other dogs, doesn't jump up, doesn't sniff produce {this was the most challenging thing- to not sniff the grilled chicken oven at the supermarket.


SO appreciate these videos and links. I just watched the 60 second highlight video of the pat and manners tests - our girl is doing well on many of those already (though at 13 months she's still got a way to go) our problem is she's not confident being approached by stangers and she definitely doesn't like being seperated (even within her view) so these are two things that we definitely need help with!! X


My ACD taught himself to be my service dog when I developed lupus when he was one year old.


Started training lobo in public access at the humane society. They have an outside cafe…coffee is not good, but we can train lobo in a restaurant setting. He “failed” some public access the other, we know what we need to work towards. And distractions are great for the dog.


Just passed our cgc today. good information thank you


I am so grateful to have found you. Dog training while having a disability is so hard. Thank you so much for this ❤


Yes I am training mine now I'm still pretty young and my mom says she won't be an REAL service dog❤😢


Thanks so much for this video I’ve been going through this same confusion on how to actually prove my dog can be an actual owner trained service dog I was scared to actually do it at all


Local trainers suggested the good citizenship exam as well


I’m training my own service dog . I just don’t know how to teach her the commands like Anxiety inturraption or DPT . She also doesn’t know leave it . I often get frustrated when training dogs which is a reason why I need a SD because I’m always Anxious, frustrated and stressed . (Psychiatric service dog ) I often feel anxious going into stores worrying about if someone’s gonna ask me if she’s a real service dog and what I would say or about the ID even tho they are fake . This helped me a lot ❤


THANK you for these resources. In canada we have less to work from and i get lost in the requirements and expectations. Mica and I are always training but the lack of real expectations to work from is frustrating.
