Flink SQL in Action | Ververica

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SQL is the lingua franca of data processing, and everybody working with data knows SQL. Apache Flink provides SQL support for querying and processing batch and streaming data. Flink's SQL support powers large-scale production systems at Alibaba, Huawei, and Uber. Based on Flink SQL, these companies have built systems for their internal users as well as publicly offered services for paying customers. In my talk I will show how to leverage the simplicity and power of SQL on Flink.

I’ll explain why unified batch and stream processing is important and what it means to run SQL queries on streams of data. Once we’ve covered the basics, I will spend the remainder of the talk demonstrating the capabilities of Flink SQL. We will explore different use cases that Flink SQL was designed for by running queries on Flink’s SQL shell. In particular, I will demonstrate the unified batch and streaming engine by running the same query on batch and streaming data and show how to build a real-time dashboard that is powered by a streaming SQL query, which continuously updates an external result table.


Timo Walther is a committer and PMC member of the Apache Flink project. He studied Computer Science at TU Berlin. Alongside his studies, he participated in the Database Systems and Information Management Group there and worked at IBM Germany. Timo works as a software engineer at data Artisans. In Flink, he is mainly working on the Table & SQL API and its ecosystem for making stream processing accessible for everyone.


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