Can synthetic biology save the planet?

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Step inside the lab using synthetic biology to design with DNA, all in the hopes of saving Planet Earth.

Humanity’s impact on the Earth is massive.

Arable land is transformed for agriculture; plastics litter the planet; the very atmosphere is warming with carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, hotboxing all of us.

But what if solutions to these complex problems could be found in the very building blocks of life itself?

This is why Ginkgo Bioworks exists: to provide the platform that allows innovators and entrepreneurs to work with biology, to make everything from plastic-munching microbes to better beauty products.

This video was created in partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks.

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I just finished an Internship working on GMO algae used for biofuels. The work is very cool and inspiring. GMO algae can produce oils at an extremely high rate from photosynthesis and could feasibly replace fossil fuels by becoming price competitive at scale. My lab focused on making the algae perform better at higher temperatures as the global averages increase. Beyond that, the plant technology being developed in a broad sense will solve many problems, from faster growing trees, to plants that don’t need harmful fertilizer. These technologies are all being pursued carefully at the nonprofit that I worked for, The Danforth Plant Science Center.


Noble intentions can lead to unintended consequences


I can see this as a universally useful tool. I think it's important to see this as a key to solving many problems rather than a key to a risk-free solution in geoengineering climate change.


The huge problem with that is that we are FAR too unable to understand the consequences of designing new lifeforms. That is not to say we should not do it, but we should be very, very careful with it. Not just: hey, here is a harmful substances in a landfill, let's just release a bioengineered bacterium to get rid of it.


I'm quite conflicted about this. Yes, the intention is admirable, but biological organisms have a way of disregarding borders, whether they be borders between jurisdictions or borders made of glass and cement. Aside from the ethical and political questions concerning who gets to let novel man-made biological systems loose on the planet and who gets to deal with the fallout if it fails, I also feel like this isn't exactly solving the core problem of our disregard for natural processes and how our impact on the planet is amplified by overpopulation. Essentially, we aren't forced, by way of a systemic collapse, to rethink our ways of life on this planet. From a technical standpoint though, sure, it's fascinating.


I would love to see this applied to something, idk if this is CRISPRR but I know that's very similar, I just wish to see someone actually create a solution to some of these problems affecting the world and see them spread and be adopted at a global scale. I know I'm asking a lot but damn I just wish someone would make these solutions easy. It's a shame theres not enough attention in this direction when there really is an insane amount of potential for change here. People want big shiny solutions that grab their attention, something new and flashy in their face or they just wont pay it much attention. Hopefully I'm wrong about that and something will catch the worlds attention here. First there needs to be the invention/product and the there needs to be market adoption


This is cool, I'm a more classically trained molecular biologist and I have spent months or years making genetically engineered micro organisms the old fashioned way. To be honest I always suspected it could be done better. Having hung out with plenty of biologists I'm not surprised that now engineers, computer scientists and physicists are getting into biology and taking it places.
My only issue with this facility is I'm not sure how it will be used to solve environmental problems. I suspect it would be amazing for developing new drugs and industrial chemicals.


There have been just a few minor studies into different kinds of fungi and their ability to absorb and make toxic materials, nontoxic. Mushrooms could be a lot more than just garnish on pizza or salads but more research needs to be done to see how viable they can be.


If they don't know how it works exaclty, how can they be sure no negative effects will occur (on the long term). Somewhat like building a bridge without knowledge of the mechanics involved.


New solution solves old problems but always creates new's a continuous process. Even synthetic biology will have it's own side-effects. But it's ok, our future generations will take care of it


Deep learning algorithms with the subject in "mind" and a partially sentient mind frame would make the process go faster, have less errors and have a higher success rate for your platforms big or small.There are no rules just blurry dotted lines


this feels like a scripted sales pitch,


If excess CO2 from human activity is causing global warming, how did an ice sheet 3 1/2 miles thick on top of North America melt before the Industrial Revolution ?


Amazing video! Happy to see Gingko Bioworks is spreading like wildfire now! #iBelieve


I've thought about this a lot. It's so incredibly fascinating. As a future nurse, I'm most interested in the health related applications: curing major diseases, regenerating organs and reversing aging etc. But in other areas like energy production, food production, waste recycling, reversing pollution the possibilities are endless as well. It gives me real hope for the future.


The Kids are alright !!

Go Ladies !

Bravo !



experimebtation in large scale is indeed groundbreaking


10 years ago synthetic biology was the next big thing. Amateur biohacking labs were opening all around the world, their was talks about making biohacking competitions for enthusiasts, communities forming in the west around the concept... I was hoping this documentary would at least address the state of the technology today in contrast to the pre-existing rush.

Since this is the only documentary on the topic I could find in 2022, I get the feeling the hype is dead.


Hey, what could go wrong? Things always work out for us when we mess with things over our heads.


Who decides if the Ginkgo platform is being used for a good reason? How does engineering beauty products go towards saving the planet? I'm concerned about the spin in this story, that this platform has been developed to 'save the planet' but at the same time is available for all users is contradictory.
