Building a Public Bathhouse in the Lycan Legion - A RimWorld Roman Senate themed series // EP15

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» OVERVIEW OF THE SERIES: Lycan Legion is a RimWorld series about a pack of Roman legionary lycanthropes who band together to found a new city to herald in a new age of prosperity for the great Roman Empire during an era of decadence and degradation.

» DISCLAIMER: All other details were intentionally omitted including mods, seed, ideology and more. Please refrain from asking questions for more information.

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All that ambrosia and I think Bacchus, the god of partying, is involved.


Ambrosia issue (or something similar with a different event) always seems to catch me off guard when I heavily edit a scenario to remove tons of things that don't make sense for my current storyline only for the game to go "You only left me Ambrosia dude, get used to it!", lol.


I like the designs you set up this video. I'm a tiny bit surprised you didn't remove the private bathing chambers of the Patricians and have all the citizens use the same bathhouse, but I understand that tearing down the private baths is just adding work for work's sake.

I wish I could actually be present for these streams, but I am generally allergic to real-time streaming video at this point. So, you get suggestions you can't/won't be able to act upon until the next time you stream this playthrough.

There are some decent exposed veins of materials outside of the walls. Putting down even a one-wide packed earth "road" out to them would speed things up and be pretty darn Roman. They did love to make travelling surfaces. I wish that you could safely put constructions outside the walls without raiders attacking them. A real settlement, even this early, wouldn't have quarries with their dust and noise inside the city walls. But who the heck really wants to re-build that large of a prop every other raid?

I am unfamiliar with the mods you're using, but is it possible for your settlers to terraform in some standing water that you could surround with curbs and use as a public water feature? That stretch of unused ground off the western edge of the Pantheon complex calls out for some kind of public beautification.

Finally, in that previous vein, it may be time to pull up some of the flagstone at the street intersections and convert them into small squares. The first candidate would be the crossroads of Via Patrician (The east-west road that the first two houses and the Triclinium are on) and Via Hortus (lit: Road of the Garden - the north-south road that passes between the greenhouse and the kitchens/pantry). Pulling up the flagstones and getting a little decorative there would brighten up the area. A second, similar courtyard would look good either at the eastern end of Via Artifex (lit; Craftsman's road - the east-west road running through the center of the crafting district) where it runs into the Horraeum, or in the dead center of the district, between the ironmongers, tailors, and stonecutters. TBH, I imagine that second courtyard being kinda horrible in terms of noise and smoke, I personally like the eastern end of the road better.


Finally catching up with the series and all I can think of with the Pantheon floor is - that looks like beep from Kenshi!


4:20 - I never noticed the combat music before - Fits really well.


The gods are clearly pleased with your colony and they grant you the succour of ambrosia!


35:30 "Ahenobarbus", "Copper-bearded" is the family name of Emperor Nero and several other prominent Romans.


Thanks for the awesome video and all the amazing content!!!


I know this is old, but I can tell you don't do ranching much. Still a great series 👍


Not sure I'd stop at the house with all the dead bodies and ask for help.🤨
