Memory and identity: in conversation with Derren Brown - OU Boundaries philosophy series (4/7)

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Psychological illusionist Derren Brown talks about hypnotism with the OU's Nigel Warburton, and explores the role of memory and identity, and the concept of a 'memory palace'.

(Part 4 of 7)

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I have always had a terrible memory but after reading Derren Brown's book, I now can remember incredible amounts of information. His methods are extremely effective. Buy the book!!


I've done this memory trick before without trying. I can remember random thoughts i've had during specific parts of specific episodes of specific programs. As long as the thought was memorable, when a re-run of that specific part would come on I would suddenly remember these thoughts and what I was doing at the time.


That's interesting, I mostly write things down in mental notebooks and store them in drawers in my memory palace, rather than using visual pictures or whatever. I also have a rainforest in one of the rooms where I go if I am feeling stressed out, it is very useful


In his book, "Tricks Of The Mind", he devotes a section of the book to explaining one of the methods of increasing your ability to remember things by using a sort of visual-association-chain.


@angelwings1086 it was done on an episode of Mythbusters, it showed some people weren't able to be hypnotized and some were, in a 'hypnotic state' there was a much reduced level of some certain brain activity. it also showed that even in a hypnotic state that suggestibility was limited to things that person would carry out if they weren't hypnotized, they wouldn't break their own moral boundaries.


@ThornWitch he talks about it in his book :) It's something he developed through out the years from getting people to agree with him, by nodding. It then kind of stuck with him :3


@ThornWitch he said in trick of the mind book he can't help it, it comes from him through the years putting people into states of rapport so now it just happens uncontrollably and that he doesn't do it delibertly.


@Bomberman765 He discusses this tick in his book, and whilst what you explain is where the tick stemmed from, it is indeed a nervous tick that he can't stop.


@ThornWitch That is absolutely deliberate...


childhood with a compulsion to knock his knees together, sniffing loudly and violently, bound by a self-imposed injunction to avoid the top step of any flight of stairs, and recalls experiencing the irresistible urge, while learning to drive at 18, to "close my eyes for as long as I could get away with it". lately he has noticed that, when no one is looking, he likes to swipe a credit card down the crack in lift doors.


@ThornWitch Yeah i noticed that too, every time i see him in his shows. i don't think it's because he's nervous, i actually think it's because he's concentrating or he's thinking about something. Then again, that's just me! I think it's quite endearing actually!


In Brain Story written by Susan Greenfield you can see images of people in various states of consciousness, like meditation and under hypnosis. What is interesting is that scientists cannot differentiate by looking at EEG's whether people are awake or in REM sleep which is the dream state. Is life a dream?


I've noticed that as well. However, I fear that is just something he does to influence all of us subconsciously, and in a few years time he will click his fingers and all our heads will explode! Now, that's a show I wanna see ;-)


@MetalAcid1 It's called a memory palace. Google "memory palace".


I liked the "theory" of transforming places into mind maps... where can i learn more about that?


My harddrive is my substitute for a memory palace. Why can't we implant these things yet?


I've been using mindmaps for years, but not with songs. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Will try that!


well that's funny you ask because it goes right along with the fact that everything we see is actually made up in our minds first then we see it so maybe life is a dream where we all are on big stream of consciousness with it's on branches which then confirms that we are all just vibrations of energy. the world of the mind is such a mystery


Do you remember....

1. When you could get on youtube without a huge ad at the top of your homepage?

2. When EVERY music video was from a user, not Vevo?

3. When you could use it as a music player without having an ad in the beginning of a music vid?

4. When copyright infringement wasn't a big deal?

5. When it was YOUtube?

Copy and paste onto videos telling youtube how PISSED we,  the YOU in YOUtube, are with their greedy corporate asses!


that was really interesting, and something I will do for when im feeling like shit!
