How to Manage Secrets securely in PowerShell | Azure Key Vault

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In this video, we’ll explore how you can leverage Azure Key Vault to securely manage secrets in your single-tenant or multi-tenant PowerShell scripts. This will enable you to securely access authentication tokens and other sensitive information needed to interact with downstream customer environments.

🚀 What You'll Learn:

Real-Life Applications: See firsthand how to create an Azure Key Vault, load in your secure application model secrets, and call them programmatically (and securely) in scripts.

💡 Why Watch?
Ditch bad practices in managing secrets insecurely in plain text on local devices. Use this method to ensure proper security around your most sensitive information.

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Thanks for watching the video How to Manage Secrets securely in PowerShell | Azure Key Vault
Рекомендации по теме

Show-Command would be a good one to cover
