🎧 GENTLE RUNNING WATER... Sounds for Relaxing, Meditation & Sleep

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There is nothing more soothing and relaxing as the sound of running water. Great for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, spa treatments, helping your baby sleep, and to cover up unwanted sounds.

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Whether you're studying, meditating, sleeping or suffering from tinnitus, the rhythmic sounds of Running Water will help you relax and forget your worries.

If you enjoy this SoundScape and would like a copy for your own MP3 collection, you can now purchase this 60 minute MP3 for immediate download by clicking the link below...

We now offer this title on CD at our eBay store:

Purchasing our CD's and MP3's help make it possible for us to continue recording, producing and offering these full length videos for free on YouTube. Your support is greatly appreciated... Thank You!!!

To view and listen to all the different nature albums I have to offer, please visit me at:

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I've been recording high quality nature sounds for over 30 years for my own personal use. When I first started, nature recordings didn't exist and when these type of recordings finally hit the market, they were so overly compressed & attenuated it didn't even remotely sound natural!

All of my recordings are captured in nature as it happens. None of my recordings have been "Computer Generated" or are short segments looped together. I have traveled to some of the most remote areas of the world to capture my nature sounds, only to find jets flying overhead or a train off in the distance blowing a horn. It is virtually impossible to capture a clean recording without the "Hand of Man" being heard. To remove these sounds would take some serious computer manipulation and destroy the integrally of the recording! Being a purest... what you hear is what you get... just like the real world.


If you enjoy these sounds and want to help be a part of preserving "Earth's Natural SoundScape"... then please click on the link below and donate. Your generous contribution helps make it possible for me to continue capturing these sounds that are quickly disappearing from our Natural SoundScape!

I hope you enjoy this beautiful recording as much as I have in recording them!!!
Brian Knight


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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for this. I've been up for hours trying to make my baby stop crying and go to sleep. when I went to go wash a bottle to feed her again for the 10000th time she stopped crying as soon as I turned the water on. My wife hasn't slept all week. She will be happy about my discovery.


So happy about this. It calms my 3 month old down so quick when she is being irritable and has already been fed and taken a nap.. She is just quietly watching tv now with this playing. Wonderful!


my 3 month old and I appreciate this. so much.


I've been looking and looking for a sound that would soothe my 5 week old baby. I noticed when I ran water while she was crying that she would stop. This is perfect!!!


This is so amazing! My 2 month old baby girl passes out in less than 5 min. No lie! Amazing. Thank you!


we have played this since our baby was born 5 months ago. as soon as we play it he calms down and goes to sleep.


I've just walked around my room rocking and feeding my 3month old screaming baby for an hour.. He's now asleep on me, thank you so much from a very very tired mummy!


when I listened to this, I fell asleep in about a few minutes. THANK YOU SO


wow i've been playing this to my baby for 5months now, he can't fall asleep without it and a matter of a fact i now can't fall asleep without it .
never take this video down please you've got the best water sound on youtube !!!!


One of the few white noises that don't become irritating overtime


My 5 months old still loves this 😄 thank you


This is such relaxin sounds that you can't help but to be at piece n become relaxed...


Thanks for this track. It makes my tinnitus drop into the background.


For some odd reason, I tend to listen to this when I'm frustrated . It incredibly helps, thank you for posting it 😚 Much love 💖


I am so glad I found this, it's like a sleep spell for my 2 month old daughter lol.


My baby loves this sound! Sometimes it's the only thing that will calm her down.


The only thing I have found that stops my tinnitus. God bless you.


I know it's silly to comment again, but she is now 7 weeks and I still use this daily ;)


thank you so much! this video calms my 4 month old down instantly. its great for when we are out and about and she gets a little fussy!


my 6 week old wouldn't stop fussing from sleepiness. The second i put this on his eyelids shut! thanks. this is a lifesaver.
