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Have you made these OCs? An analysis of the types of Original Characters we've all made at some point or another. Featuring original music and speedpaints of 7 OCs of my own =)

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My characters easily fall into two categories, the ones with trauma who are coping well and the ones with trauma who aren't


“Or maybe we’re just being sadistic”
Yeah, that line made me subscribe


For those who are into character creation. If you want the character likable make sure he/she is imperfect, because the audience wants a character that people can relate to..


My first OC fell into the third category and had some overlap with the first, but then I decided, "what if I flesh this guy out?" And now he has a whole world and and character development. He's still OP asf tho


Punching bag: has a terrible and tragic backstory
My magical girl characters: *nervous sweating*


My OCs don't exist in any physical medium, but the stories I play in my daydreams definitely hit on all of them. Huh. I never realized how common it was. Most of mine are the kind of creatures that would normally give people nightmares, big toothy monsters can be nice and want friends too!


Love how everyone's ocs are unique and beautiful


most of mine fall into the "Cool character" "murderer" and "punching bag" archetypes, with a bunch of "philosophers" are well

edit : I don't know why this got so many likes but thanks, everyone


Me, holding up a single oc that somehow fits all of these types: *I-*

*I'm a little messed up.*


All characters are somewhat self-insert, everyone puts some of their traits onto every character they make, even if they don’t mean to


Excuse me, but...


my ocs fall into two categories;

-sweet, innocent older sibling with a strong maternal instinct
-chaotic cynical emo with a tragic backstory and misplaced anger towards their older brother who's shadow they've spent their whole lives within


Punching Bag: ✔
Philosopher: ✔
Cool one: ✔
Innocent Child: ✔
Chosen one: ✔
Murderer: ✔
Self-Insert: Which one? 😀 🔫


I used to have this group of OCs called BlackEye. The leaders were a couple. One literally found the other strapped to an actual punching bag. The others were a depressed zombie, an over-excited 12 year old and an emo intellect


OCs of mine that fit these descriptions:

OC 1.
Milly, a Spooky Month OC
A mix of the punching bag and the innocent child, a story that doesn't have a happy ending mainly for reasons beyond my control. She was created during my first month on SMRP(A Roblox RP game), created from the simple idea of me giving a backstory to the secret skeleton child morph you could become in the lobby. I shall explain that backstory now.
She was once just a regular child. Her mother was in the cult, the rather strict and abusive parent, who killed the husband when Milly was only 2. Milly had no idea because she wasn't there to see it. Her only friend was a Happy Fella possessed by another cultist by the name of Ted, though he was the less-dedicated type when it comes to the cult. He had a huge soft spot for Milly, and absolutely freaked out when it came time to sacrifice her. But something went wrong after the sacrifice, and Milly's soul somehow ended up back in her own skeleton. She didn't remember too much about her life, but then Pump found her and they became pretty good friends! Even if she was confused why the stars loved him and hated her.
But then... came the grand update. You know, the one that removed the skeleton kid morph for whatever reason? Because of that, I had to write it in that she was found again by someone who wasn't there at her original sacrifice, aka the clown guy(who I headcanon to be named Todd), and resacrificed by him. Ted meanwhile wasn't doing so well without Milly. So the day they decided to kill him for trying to leave them after they killed Milly, he just accepted it because he knew Milly was already dead. But it turns out, my friend who had acted Pump also has an OC that's an amalgamation of all the kids that have been sacrificed to Eyes. But when a cultist dies, they wind up as part of Eyes himself. So even in death, Milly and Ted can't be together.
Poor Milly.
I also have a more comedic punching bag that I allow my friends to just throw stuff at. His name is Devin, also a SM OC. A newbie to the cult who recently got fired and was just looking to pay rent and then got lured into the cult by his friend. Life is not good in the cult at all, especially considering most of them seem to hate him due to him being an athiest. Devin is the character that I always project onto the most, thinking, "If I was in this guy's situation, what would I do?" So I guess you could say he has some self-insert energy, even though he isn't really a representation of me.
Update on Milly: The morph is back, and so is she! Though, she's suffered a lot of trauma from where she was. She doesn't even look human anymore, and often spends time crying to herself. Her sight is also warped to the point where the Pump she was friends with just looks like Eyes to her now.

OC 2.
While the second half of the "philosopher" explanation doesn't exactly apply to any of my OCs, the first half reminded me a lot of another Spooky Month OC I have by the name of Hickory. Hickory's idea first spawned from one of my first days on SMRP, where I accidentally started a Happy Fella cult and then got one of the devs to join it as a glowing yellow version. I then had an idea about a creepy cultist Happy Fella pretending to be some doll god and luring a bunch of insane Happy Fellas to Eyes, and that idea of a character slowly became a full-fleged OC known as Hickory!
On the surface, he's basically the same as Ted; A Happy Fella in the cult. But it becomes very obvious how different they are when they start talking. While Ted is a rather sane, nervous individual, Hickory speaks with a quiet, emotionless version of a regular Happy Fella voice. He's been in the cult since the start, luring children to be sacrificed with his doll self. All this time gaining the trust of kids has basically led him to become an ideal father figure if need be, especially helpful since Eyes has kids in our (me and my friends') AU. One of said kids kinda ran away, but the other spends basically all his time with Hickory. Probably because Hickory takes such good care of him! Hickory's the only SMRP character I use with 100% grammar 100% of the time. And also he's currently owned by Robert's younger sister, so who knows how long she'll last-

OC 3.
A majority of the OCs I've made are SM OCs, and this guy is no exception. This "cool character" isn't actually edgy or emo like most of his type, if anything he's bery pink and hyper! He was made only like 3 days ago, created from an idea I got from a dev getting a Happy Fella to glow pink.
Meet Fellagram! A hologram Happy Fella created with advanced interactive technology for a marketing scheme, but then it flopped and was a huge financial loss so they just stuffed the technology away and never touched it for many years. But due to the constant flow of energy they programmed it with, the energy kept building up due to it not being used to let all that energy out. So much of it built up that, skip to the present day, the next time someone even touched it, the equipment outright EXPLODED, and everything in the studio exploded along with it! But in the aftermath of the explosion, the lil Fellagram returned, free from the systems in a body made of only pink electricity! A very hyper fella, who can go into devices but breaks them once inside them for too long. His presence alone can cause electricity to go haywire! But of course, being made of electricity, he can't really fully interact with the physical world.
Another thing about him is that his small form couldn't even contain most of the stored energy. So where did it go? Into a TV that somehow survived the explosion. Hence the existence of the pink TV world that came from the grand update!

OC 4.
Another SM OC. Her name is Dolly, and she's a mute lil girl kiddo in an ice cream-themed clown costume! Todd's illegally adopted daughter that he used to take care of during his time in another cult. Yea, the lore for him in our RPs is that he used to be in another cult, and used to be more sane during his time in said cult! But one day, Dolly ran away and kinda didn't return, cementing herself as missing. Todd immediately got worried and assumed Eyes' cult kidnapped her because they DO do that, so he goes over to stalk them and try to get her back. That's where he gets found out by Bob, Bob shows Todd to everyone, and well... the trauma Todd ended up suffering as a punishment from Eyes was so utterly terrible that it just broke him mentally. Bringing light to the insane clown he's seen as today!
But as for Dolly... She wasn't even kidnapped. So the next time she and Todd randomly ran into each other... Cue Sloppy Jane's cover of "They're Coming To Take Me Away". :)
She doesn't wanna be around him. In her eyes, that isn't her papa anymore.

OC 5.
Yet _another_ SM OC. This one being a full mix of the innocent child and the self-insert! If SM actually happened, I would've been 6 at the time that it did. Thus, this character is 6!
Her name is Kimya, but she likes to go by Dina. She wears a cheap green dinosaur onesie everywhere she goes, and it's so big that not only did she have to cut out it's eyes to be able to see, but also she had to roll the sleeves and leg parts up a ton! You can just barely see her hands!
Dina is a lot like my past self; Divorced parents, loves dinosaurs, easily scared, loves candy, creative and autistic! The town loves Skid and Pump, so she decided to be more like them because life in town is pretty rough for a background character. Especially considering what happened in episode 2.
She was just on a casual stroll during episode 2, and decided to go get some candy! But then she saw Eyes from a distance before she could get there, and that alone scarred her for life. She's tried to tell people about him, but people think it's just the wild imagination of an autistic kid. She's drawn him many times, because, in her words, "he wants me to he wants me to he wants me to..."

OC 6.
I don't really have a "chosen one"-type OC, so there's only one left; The murderer! A lot of the characters I act are murderers, but an OC murderer I have is one I think about a lot.
Her name is Mia! A FNAF OC made for an old AU. I don't think I've ever seen a human FNAF OC that's also a murderer, so I did it!
Mia has a "punching bag" past. From her dad bailing, to her mom dying of cancer, to her older sister always being busy, to her being led into a false sense of security by Scraptrap only for him to burn alive in FNAF 6, to a difficulty making friends, to an abusive boyfriend and a dead-end job that overworks her(ehem Fazbear Entertainment), the world basically drives her to where it only really gets "better" when she meets Glitchtrap while testing the VR game, who convinces her to start killing people until she reaches a point of no return and decides to make an entire cult for him. One that she tricked Vanny into, fun fact!


And then there’s me who has “OC who was kind of a self insert but then got shoved through a metaphorical blender and possibly a literal blender too and sort of became all of the stereotypes at once and then I also put them at the end of a convoluted timeline that I came up with as a joke while discussing dumb alternative history mods for strategy games with my friend whilst eating damp pizza in the school cafeteria”


"We have all made an OC with a tragic backstory."

Me, with 10 OCs that have tragic backstories: *My goals are beyond your understanding.*


'sometimes this character is just flat out invincible'
One of my ocs, unsurprisingly one of my favorites, named 031, is basically the only constant in the roleplays i use him with. explaining his character is hard, cus his entire character is that his personality is ironically never constant. one second hes being scary and about to eat you, and the next hes speaking in poem or something. He used to be a really cool antagonist, but he kept dying and finding different ways to somehow come back (first time he basically replanted himself [cus hes a funky mushroom dude but unique in a lot of cool ways i dont have tie to explain], second time he got rebuild out of his remains, third time some racist group accidentally revived him, fourth time he had accidentally became the floor of a whole state by accident and was revived by a space wolf thing, ect.) so hes like william afton in how he continues to come back, but he doesnt actually physically change in the slightest. anyway the reason he stopped being a villain and instead had a hero arc was because (Do not ask, its a VERY long story, ) he accidentally had a child. No, he wasnt pregnent.


i remember my first oc. it was legit just a shadowy, mildly chibi human shaped blob. the only defining feature was two circles i left on where the head should be, which were eyes. i may have sucked at drawing, but i've always been able to draw insanely unsettling eyes, so just imagine a shadowy human shaped blob, drawn with bad pencil scribbling, and overly realistic eyes.


Fun fact! My Chosen One is the only one who knows what’s going on, my Innocent Child turns into the villain, my Cool One is actually the least powered and least flamboyant of the group, my Punching Bag is successfully learning to cope (and the child of the group so everyone now protects them) but my Philosopher is literally exactly just Mom Friend. She heals, she tanks, and she makes breakfast and helps everyone with their problems.

Everything may have spins put on it, but Mom Friend is Mom Friend.
