Ary, the Lion - Lakova Shelie

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Lakova sheli, shalosh pinot! | My hat has three corners.
לכובע שלי שלוש פינות

In the first video of the series, Ary, the Lion, dances the coreography of the famous song Lakova Shelie.

Come and dance with Ary, you too!


My hat has three corners,

Three corners my hat has,

If it did not have three corners,

It would not be my hat!

לכובע שלי שלוש פינות
שלוש פינות לכובע שלי
לולא היו לו שלוש פינות
לא היה זה הכובע שלי


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"Ary, the Lion" is an initiative which aims to rescue the jewish culture through music videos for children, with popular hebrew songs.

We believe in the importance of keeping bright the flame that binds jewish people, passing our traditions, our music, our language from generation to generation.

Ary comes to awake our identification with all this cultural value and bring it right into our homes, starting by our little ones.

We count on your support to publish more and more videos! All you have to do is subscribe to our channel and spread the word about Ary the Lion to all your friends!
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