Why Millions Are Still Unreached by the Gospel

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Why are the red zones red? Why are millions of people unreached by the gospel? In this episode of Neighborhoods & Nations, we explain why Christianity has spread the way it has across the world and why there are still areas completely unreached by the gospel.
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Pray for me, I want to be a worker for the gospel in the Middle East. Pray that I would be filled with the fire do God.


The gospel is present and trying to grow in Nigeria, specifically. There are 34 million Roman Catholics and Anglicans in Nigeria. Pray for them!


Nigeria is one of the most evangelised if not the very most evangelised places on earth today.


This is all fact, and I definitely support reaching the unreached, it's by God's grace and guidance that I left America to do just that. For now, I ended up coming to Ghana, West-Africa and found out a lot of interesting facts in the almost 2 years I've been here, that most people don't know without experiencing it themselves. I pray one day to take the gospel to places like Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. One thing I've learned, a lot of these "green areas" have people "born" into Christianity, there are those that believe they're automatically a Christian because their parents and grandparents etc. are or were Christians. Which I've personally found to be some of the hardest to talk to about Christ, and when I started here, I was going to the northern parts of Ghana to evangelize to the Muslim communities there, sadly it was easier to talk to them about the truth of Jesus than some "Christians" I've met in Ghana. Another thing I learned, not only is there a huge population of Muslims in countries everywhere now, and growing, but there are people groups here either pushed out of other countries or otherwise, that have no belief in God whether Muslim or otherwise that never even heard the name of Jesus. Some of those even identifying as Muslims because they also were born into it, and yet never even heard or read the Qur'an. These "easy to reach" places, like the west, in my experience have become just as complacent leading to fake Christianity and lukewarm Christians sadly, so much prayer is needed for all; whereas the harder or unreached places are so hungry for the truth, I've seen that hunger have a huge impact and I believe it's causing amazing moves of the Holy Spirit in these areas that Satan can't stop no matter how hard he tries. No matter where we go, we can face challenges of the unreached, and all of us Christians have a job to do for our Lord and Savior, preaching the true gospel to them. I pray for eyes to be opened and for all of us that are meant to be sent to the harder unreached places to go there protected by Jesus. All glory to You Jesus our King of kings. 🙏🏼


Nigeria should not be on that list. We are practically sending missionaries to other countries from here.

God bless you brother. Much love❤


I want to go as a missionary doctor just after I'm done with my studies by God's grace


Brother Im from Guatemala, and I got to your channel by the Japan video. Let me tell you, your videos are very profesional made and very insightful. Maybe this is the channel God is using to reach the last comunities unreacheable. Your video just made me realize that we have to work harder to preach the truth and good news of the Gospel. Keep up the good work and dont ever get tired of doing goodness even tho it looks like is not reaching as fast enough as you want. You already put the seed.


I keep seeing Nigeria in ur map of unreached nations. I'm Nigerian and most of the major Churches in Africa and even all over d world hail from us .... But I believe you're backed up with numbers and statistics and I'm probably not just well-informed.


I kindly disagree with your opinions. I don't think countries like India are unreached we just don't worship christ. As a hindu I can tell you that we welcome Christianity but we don't practice it as we have pride in our own religion and culture and we take immense pride in celebrating it. But we also believe that you a person have the entire liberty to worship any God you may love. The exact reason why the Jews and Zoroastrians never faced persecutions in india unlike they did in europe and Middle East respectively.


Nigeria has a great number of christians especially the east west and south south regions of the country, the north is hard to reach but don't include the whole country, we are still praying for the northern side of the country


Wow! awesome job putting a video like this together! Currently my wife and I alongside a team of 17 others, have recently move to Trang, Thailand (less than 2% Christian) to reach our local communities, train up nationals, and send them out to fulfill their call of reaching the unreached.


Phenomenal reminder to give financially and focus our prayer life to the unreached people groups’ missionaries. My husband is the pastor of a Spanish-speaking congregation so all our time, prayers, and giving goes to our local church. But this. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this great need and creating such a work of art. May the Lord continue to use you for His kingdom and for His glory.


i have been a missionary before, but right now I continue to do gospel work in my own country in sweden


Thank you for this video.
I am challenged by the obedience call that we who live in well evangelised regions now face.
As someone who lives in a region of the world that is now home to tens of thousands of displaced peoples from a predominant red zoned country - I believe that the Lord is making it so easy for believers to obey His Great Commission - the hard reality is - so many of us are still reluctant to love those the Lord has sovereignly brought to our own neighbourhood and city, who attend our same schools and work places, who speak our same language.
The Lord knows how hard it is for us to 'GO' so he has bridged the geographical barriers. Question is, are we ready to obey?

Oh, believers!! Begin by loving the red zoned peoples represented within our neighbourhoods! Reach them with the Gospel and they will share the good news with their relatives and friends. By beginning in our respective 'Jerusalems' will we then be ready to go to the Judeas, Samarias and the ends of the Earth!
Love your neighbour with the Gospel, my brother and sister!


Thank you for making this series guys! Incredible


My husband and our family were called to go do a mini missions in Uluru (Ayers Rock) Australia, as Australians already it might not seem like a big deal but it was we planted a church in a community that desperately needed one and we reached and planted seeds in communities that have been neglected and uncared for. Almost more importantly though our family realised that God was calling us to missions. Now we are trying to figure out 'how to be missionaries' and what that will look like but its hard to figure out where to start. 😅


These are really well put together videos. You’re doing great work with this 🙏🏾. God bless you.


Super excited to see more like this. Thinking through "not having the stomach" to reach the unreached has really got me thinking!


Excited for this new series. Really helpful content that helps to explain the situation and the challenges for gospel expansion around the world.


Give me the opportunity oh God of glory to bring the gospel to the unreached oh in Jesus Christ name I pray it amen and amen
