Dawn of Man - Northlands Gameplay

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Great video as always...Food seems to be a concern with a lot of players. I noticed you set your tree cutting area on top of you gather harvesting area and your people chopped down your fruit tree's. Maybe set up a few gather work area's or expand the radius to cover a lot more of an area so you stockpile more wild fruit, nut and grain in early game that and I noticed the children don't harvest from the planted fields they will pick up straw and grain left on the field but not actually harvest or plant the fields. They will pick berries and fruit so maybe till you can plant crops may make things a bit less stressful early game. Also you will want to plant chestnut tree's when you can they give you bonus logs and sticks every harvest season help with building etc. mid game.


Darn I wish I had not missed this stream. That game is driving me nuts - as I would already want it in my 'paws'. lol Have to say though - I watched a lot of videos about it, to the point of some of them starting to annoy me, because some content creators are some bit, dare I say, stupid at it. That is to say that I enjoy a lot of your stream, greatly because you do not seem to stumble around in the dark. By that I mean that it is cool when the tuber has the basics and knows a bit about the game. There are some people who do not even seem to understand that one gathers berries and such at summer or that it is a game, where animals spawn and de-spawn, sometimes right on your screen - which leads to the point that only the domesticated animals are programmed to 'give birth'. The wild animals do not do so. Yes they have younglings in their herds and packs - but those are spawned too. There is some kind of in-game calculator which determines how many animals of certain kind there are to be on the map at any given stage of the game - and if you kill some off, it likely adds some, to some area. Yes there is area of affect to the humans and more animals further. But that all has been programmed so. The other, the wild animals quite thin away for winter and also to create the feel of 'over hunted and extinct species' at later ages - as it changes the type of animals we see more in the later parts of the game. I am absolutely sure it does not affect at all the animal population if you hunt, and how much, at the early era of the game - to the later ages of it. As it is a game, that feeling is created to exist. It is programmed to change the animal population. It is almost like an explanation for the game, why else would the humans need to start farming and developing other food sources like with domesticated animals. It is made to tell that kind of a story with the game. Ok that is maybe enough about my rant on that, but I just find it so stupid when some tubers are not even 'role-playing' but seriously suggesting that it is their actions hunting in the beginning which changes the animal population. No, the game creators likely would need to make sure that the story of the game follows through, so it is programmed. At least this subject seems to be some kind of a 'discussion subject' - and maybe that means the game creators are actually doing a good job to create such difference of opinions as to how their game works. LOL- to say the least! One thing though, I would really enjoy a bit more detailed information as to what they changed with their update as it seems to have been rather big one given that the old save games can't be used.


Yep. The release version is gonna be KILLER! Keep in mind that there are Knowledge Point targets for things like Wooden tools, so remember to turn them off after you've hit that breakpoint. Especially important is cancelling and liquidating Bifaces, so your pops don't try to use them for harvesting instead of Sickles. Spiritual items not only provide different amounts of Morale, but a pop cannot pray at the same KIND of item twice in a row for any benefit. That makes having different types important, and also placing them in highly trafficked work areas. I think pops eat Meat rather than Bread when they have the choice; Grain stores longer, which makes Flour and Bread better as "on-demand" food sources, rather than steady production. I'm not impressed with Pulses at all; a lot of work planting and harvesting with NO Straw production. Better to hunt during those seasons. No need to lower Meat limits; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Those "Resource Decayed" messages began when you no longer had Storage space left for new Meat and Fish. Rush Thatching if only because you can build so many things that it generates more Knowledge points (and you need it to build Stables to winter animals in).

Not a bad job making up all that lost time. Clearly you learned a LOT from the previous play of this scenario. =^[.]^=

Re: French Fries. In the US, Pommes Frites are called that because the restaurateur who popularized them was named French, thus, "French's fries."
