Why I don't have many friends

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Friends are such an important part of life. However, for me, its all about quality over quantity. Being selective means that I spend time with people that add value to my life, but still allowing time to be alone to recharge.

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I’ve found it overwhelming to be around groups or crowds of people for long periods of time. The energy of the world is too much for my soul. I much prefer one or 2 people I enjoy the company of ❤


I must admit, i prefer the company of most animals to most people. But i'm nearly always friendly towards everyone i come into contact with, because it's nice to be nice.


When it comes to friends I definitely prefer “Quality over Quantity.” Love my alone time too 💕


Ditto!! As an HSP/Empath I need less people in my life and loads of alone time. I suffer from awful social anxiety and in my 20/30's I seldom socialised with anyone at university or in London at work. Now days in my late 40's I have less than 4 friends that I choose to see in an average month! I just dont want the bother of too many people in my life making demands of my energy. I actually choose to be single as so many men have let me down. Cats are my main friends currently!


I agree with everything you've said here, Molly. I make a distinction between friends and acquaintances. I'm 64 and retired, but had jobs that required me to deal with the public or groups of people I didn't know...they may have been very nice, but they were acquaintances and drained my energy for the most part. I am lucky to have had a handful of very good friends for many years...they understand me, support me, and leave me feeling energized, whether it's getting together in person or by phone conversation.
I am pretty much a hermit, but I've never been lonely. With the exception of those few friends, I prefer the company of myself, my cats, or nature. And I also agree that having a like-minded online community is delightful as well...I may never meet you and the others in person, but knowing that we share many similarities is heartwarming and comforting!🥰


I have a very, very small circle. I too love being alone.


Friends... I don't have many. Two friends, though I look at my partner and my family as my friends 💗


Hello, thank you for sharing. I have no friends. I have my husband and my two almost-grown children and my precious animals. Throughout my life, I have made very bad choices with friendships and always end up letting people mistreat me, use me, and just generally not be a good friend to me at all, which has caused me so much heartache through the years. I am so much happier to live like this. I work part-time and have some very nice coworkers that I enjoy spending time with, and I am quite chatty with some of them. They would probably be shocked if they found out I live pretty much like a hermit outside of my job.


I am so like this, I have about 3 close ish friends and I really couldn't cope with any more. I have to have alone time, it's when I'm happiest. A lot of people don't understand it, but I've got better at saying no and not feeling guilty. In fact if someone cancels on me, even one of my good friends, I'm usually relieved 😀


Having a severe hearing loss from being a child I've never been good at mixing with people .school was a struggle .unfortunately I didn't have the encouragement from my parents.now as an adult I shy away from mixing in big groups going out for meals etc.I'm happier being at home. I have one friend who I see maybe once a month she's understanding of my hearing loss and I feel safe being out with her. I'm much happier in the company of my family at home . Take care.X


Introverts of the world unite! 😂 You described much of the way I feel. Thanks for sharing.


I actually am not sure I have any close friends. That sounds horribly depressing but I’m actually a very happy person. I am always surrounded by coworkers, or I’m at church with a bunch who know me and we’re all friendly, I have a husband who I call my best friend, and I have my kids (12, 17, 19). Going out to lunch just one on one with a “friend” terrifies me. I’d much prefer to stay home, be out in my garden, or spending time caring for my chickens. Sounds pathetic but it’s what I prefer. I love just being at home. It’s safer, quieter, and cheaper! 😊
I’m very new to your channel and fell in love with you immediately when you spoke about being a sensitive person. I can relate to you 100%. Love watching you and Sky together. She is a beautiful dog!


Thanks Molly for sharing. My husband and I don't have friends. It more like acquaintances. We like peace and quiet and maybe be around no more then a group of 6.💚


Thanks for this video. It is making me think. I have only a few friends, but come from a very large family. I prefer being alone, and have a very hard time interacting in a large group of people. I am struggling with spending time away from home this summer for my nephew's wedding and my granddaughter's first birthday. There is a 3 week gap that makes it impractical to return home. I am trying very hard to not say "Sorry, I can't come" but instead find a way to fill time between with enough alone time to recharge.


Same. 😊 I enjoy small dinner parties (4-6 people); have few friends. The only time I am actually lonely is when there isn't a lot of nature about... so the only thing I get lonely for is nature; and in this increasingly damaged world, I have noticed that this does take a toll on me. In otherwords, it is more-and-more difficult to find places that have nature, wildlife, etc. I also enjoy my own company; books (lots of books); gardens... NATURE. Hugs! x


Most of my friends have fur, scales, or feathers. As for the humans, one or two at a time is plenty. I hope to one day live somewhere more remote, like yourself, a big city is hard on this nature-loving introvert.


Happy weekend love, i relate on so many levels. I am the same. Recently I was upset by a sibling (extroverted one) being forceful over an invitation to socialize with people I do not naturally want to socialize with. I'm never lonely with my own company or the family cat and a few other people in my life. I am at that age where I have finally accepted myself and do not appreciate it when other loud people dictate how I should spend my time! Love your vlog in nature, keep sharing :) <3


I’ve always hated being in big group of people but the good thing about getting older is that I don’t feel bad about myself. I’ve realised that group conversation is usually very boring, with everyone taking turns to say something funny. There’s no proper connection. It might be better to look for slightly older friends as lots of people in their thirties haven’t yet realised that a normal job is awful and they’re still very ‘earnest’ xx


I've been an introvert my entire life. However, seeing others around me with large friend groups and constantly going out, made me feel like I was missing out and the few friends I had were not 'good enough' for me (how shallow - I know).

So I put myself out there... formed a large girls group, attended a bunch of instagrammable outings/events, only to realize that this lifestyle burnt me out and that I didn't have a genuine connection with most of these ppl. Now I am grateful for the few authentic, long term friends I do have, and have learned to embrace being in my own company without feeling like I should chase after more.

Thank you for this lovely message and video, so cozy and wholesome.


Very interesting topic Molly. We live in a world where it's expected to be "loud" or extroverted. It feels that they are more seen. I do relate, I too need lots of time alone to recharge and I also think it's important to have friends who add value to your life. Life is too short for the wrong ones in my opinion, but each to their own. Thank you and have a great week 😊
