Creepy Things in Fortnite: Save the World

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Fortnite has always had a creepy vibe. Whether you played Save the World or Battle Royale in Chapter 1, there was always something unsettling that struck a chord with me. If you have Save the World, I want you to try this.
Turn off the music and go to a forest zone in Stonewood, find a densely forested area, clear the area of husks so their sounds won't distract you, and just stand there. Don't touch anything, just listen. As you focus on listening, the audio slowly starts to surround you, immersing you in a symphony of sounds. First, you would hear the caws of the crows, and you'll begin to notice how annoying they are. But then, you would hear the rustling leaves, the chirping birds, the white noise, and the hum of various insects in the background. It is very relaxing! But as the sun begins to set, the tone of the game shifts. Yes, it is unsettling, but you're okay, that is... until you hear...

I came up with this topic on September 10th, 2023. It was originally titled "The Hunt for the Ghost Girl in Save the World." The main focus was supposed to be finding the ghost girl who sings and exploring some Fortnite creepypastas. However, I decided to scrap the idea because I didn’t find the creepypastas very creepy.
After my last Save the World video, "The Fortnite: Save the World Iceberg!" I received a lot of comments about the ghost girl and the creepy house with the hidden basement. From those comments, I realized that there's not much documentation about the ghost girl, and only one video on YouTube discusses the basement. I want to refresh the topic for 2024 and create higher-quality content on both subjects.

This is the second iteration of my "Save the World" video, and I hope you enjoy it! I definitely plan to make more "Save the World" videos in the future because I believe this game mode deserves some love. However, I need to finish the "Battle Royale" videos I have planned for the future.

Thank you for watching this video and my previous one! I'm loving the feedback and the support!
Be sure to like, comment, and share the video!
Comments are the only way I see if I should change up my style so keep the comments coming!

I have other Fortnite videos on my second channel, @MoreCarka But, that channel will be repurposed to post other games besides Fortnite.

Closed Captioning is available! If there is a mistake, let me know, and I'll fix it as soon as possible.

Links used in this video:

Fun fact: I LOVED Creepypastas when I was younger, so you can definitely see some inspiration in this video. The music in the video is from the talented @Myuu who I believe is the backbone of Creepypasta narration music on YouTube. While he is listed in the playlist, I wanted to mention him here in the description as well. Be sure to check him out!
Something's Wrong by Myuu
Scent of Night by Myuu
A Deep Voice by Myuu

Music used in this video:
Second Channel: @MoreCarka
0:00 - Intro
2:04 - Prelude to Entry 1
2:38 - Entry 1
7:21 - Entry 2
10:38 - Entry 3
13:31 - Ending

Written and Edited by: Carka

❤️ you all! Thank you for watching!

None of the videos presented here will show, teach, or explain how to access Save the World in 2017. Although the 2017 version is no longer in use, accessing it without proper authorization is still considered piracy, as this game mode costs money. As a player who has owned Save the World since 2017, I am running it offline. This means no missions will work, V-Bucks and cosmetics will not be transferred to my account, and no servers that are Epic's property will be used to run it. However, if you do not own Fortnite: Save the World and want access, you can purchase the latest pack that will grant you access to Save the World in 2024.

#fortnite #fortnitesavetheworld #creepy
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After 7 years, finally some original and very well made content of stw.


Sometimes, I’m almost grateful that Epic Games and Fortnite left Save the World in the dust. Not because I didn’t love it, but because abandoning it allowed it to remain untouched, preserving the soul Fortnite once had. Look at Battle Royale today—it's become unrecognizable, a polished shell of what it was, stripped of the spirit that made Fortnite memorable. It’s evolved into a machine, churning out what their investors and higher ups demand, losing many of the pieces that made Fortnite, well, Fortnite... Save the World, though, stands almost frozen in time—a quiet reminder of a different Fortnite, built on passion and crafted for the players, not just for profit. It still holds onto that sense of purpose, the raw creativity that went into the game when it was made with a love filled heart. I miss those days, when it felt like we were all part of something.


Some, if not all, of the Girl Sings B files are used in the creative 1.0 sound effect device. It’s part of the wide variety of Fortnitemares sound effects they added back in chapter 1. I say this because I recognize the singing from back when I used to make maps for my friends to play on.


Out of all my years playing STW I can’t recall ever actually seein that house


She just sings Ava Maria. It’s kind of funny the more you think about it


This is what fortnite's style was supposed to be, Eerie in some way, But cartoony and beautiful.


I play STW pretty regularly and I didn't know about any of theses. I have heard the ghost girl singing before, some of the audio is useable in creative. Usually the weirdest things I find in STW are secret rooms with teddy bear or gnome meetings.


It's great to see someone else who values ambience but it's even better when I leave the video having learned something. This is something I didn't know I needed lol cheers, mate. Hope you had a good Halloween!


One of my favourite moments was making a factory in Creative and being blindsided by the game recognising enough pieces that it slipped in a soundscape, was really creepy I found because of just how quiet Creative is by default, these days I tend to go out of my way to try find consistent ways to trigger soundscapes occurring for the extra ambiance and such, they're all so damn good :)

Save the World has so much damn charm, I really wish we could access it seperately from the BR, the massive updates really kill the mood when Save the World still remains at a much more reasonable 14 or so gb.


This could easily be a series of videos where you talk about Secrets, Easter Eggs and forgotten stuff/items in STW. I dont think anyone else is making this type of STW content.


You Know What Creepy being in creative Alone and then a friend joins and you hear footsteps


I thought I was going crazy when I returned to fortnite last year during the OG season, as I had remembered seeing the basement house, and even having screenshots of it on an old hard drive, but when I tried looking for it in STW I couldn't ever seem to find it again


there is probably dozens or maybe hundreds of unknown stw facts. many will forever be lost to time. from lost builds and devs that might not remember.


yeah you'd be surprised at the amount of creepy things that exist in STW ESPECIALLY in older versions. For example: The daytime/night sequence for STW was more creepier. instead of hearing that same orchestrated track that plays throughout STW (which kinda killed the atmosphere imo) you'd hear a bunch of husk noises at night, there would be a creepy ambiance that played at night and when I was testing out certain missions for v1.8, I realized that there were a ton of stingers that got removed which only helped the atmosphere that Epic originally had in mind for STW. it honestly really felt like I was playing a game that took place in an end of the world scenario.

there is simply just a unique charm that existed with OG STW back then which can be hardly found on the latest version today. It's a shame (but that's why I've been trying to make OG STW playable again, with missions n everything)


The creepy house can be found in the Stonewood suburbs zone, Epic changed it by removing the graves in the backyard and changing the basement.


It's so cool to see people still create content for this game. Back in 2018 to 2020, Save the World was considered my favorite game. I played it so much, spent all my summer holidays farming up my power level, grinded myself through Twine Peaks. It was so sad seeing the game being abandoned by Epic. The concept for this game is so unique, and I think it still has some untouched potential. If this game were designed a bit differently from the ground up, and wasn't so janky, it could be the next super-hit game idea, I think. I definitely see HUGE potential, if you expand upon this idea.

I'm now a game developer myself actually and have been contemplating recreating this game, of course with my own design tweaks. This game's design had a lot of problems, especially with the replayability, mission design, grind, casualness, etc. Definitely a game I will at least try to recreate in my life time when I have the budget for it.


dude that ending bit freaked me tf out ngl


This video is actually amazing, I always thought old Fortnite and stw felt off and creepy


The images in Hexslaynvia venture zone gets me thinking you're probably right..
Very neat video. I was fully immersed in this.


Dude. This is such an amazing stw video, been playing this game for about 6 years and i never heard or seen anything about these things, Can't believe u only got 5k subs. Keep it up!
