Nodejs Graphql Mysql Entity Relationships #20
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PlayList for Graphql
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Here's an overview of what we'll cover:
🔥 Introduction to GraphQL: Learn the basics of GraphQL and understand its advantages over traditional REST APIs.
🔥 Creating a GraphQL Schema: Define the schema using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) and specify the types and fields for our API.
🔥 Resolvers and Data Sources: Implement resolvers to handle queries and mutations, and connect to data sources such as databases or external APIs.
🔥 Querying and Mutating Data: Learn how to write GraphQL queries and mutations to fetch and manipulate data from the server.
🔥 Pagination and Filtering: Implement pagination and filtering options to efficiently retrieve subsets of data from larger datasets.
🔥 Error Handling: Handle errors and exceptions gracefully in our GraphQL server, providing meaningful error responses to clients.
🔥 Authentication and Authorization: Secure our GraphQL API by implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms using Apollo.
🔥 Performance Optimization: Explore techniques to optimize the performance of our GraphQL server, including caching and batch data fetching.