John MacArthur Redefining Faith & Corrupting The Gospel @gracetoyou

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John MacArthur redefines "faith" as a commitment of one's life to Christ.

#Salvation #FreeGrace #Christianity
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The gospel is simple. Our sin nature wants to complicate it so we can get some credit (often subconsciously). Thanks for bringing this up and keeping the gospel free from works, bro.


The Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is so simple to understand, but along comes "man" to complicate the message and leave people lost and confused.


Amen brother. God made the Gospel simple and completely paid for so that whosoever will may come freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The moment I believed it was the moment I received it. I am His and He is mine forever.


You are helping me in my broken, neurotic, legalistic, fearful religious suffering.
Praise to our amazing God!
May the good Lord bless you and keep you and yours.❤️‍🔥🙏🕊✝️💐🐑


No one ever has ever believed or had faith without first the Father drawing them to Christ.


there are many born again Christians who need to see this!!


Thank you so much for this video. I listened to John McArthur videos, and I got really scared. I almost felt like I would never be a good enough Christian, and therefore be damned.


Romans 4:18-22 & Mark 11:23 are clear on what it means to believe. To believe is to be persuaded that something is true; to not doubt. 1 John 5:10-11 helps to clarify exactly what believing on the Son of God means, it means to believe the record that God gave of his Son, that "God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son."


BELIVEVE IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST SHALL BE SAVED! Faith is gift from God by His grace to me in His righteousness, NOT by my own earnest but have an eternal life through Christ Jesus died on cross for my sins and came back to life again in 3 days after cross. Amen! Be Grace to you in Name of Jesus Christ Amen!


I saw a young boy (probably 16 or 17) get cornered by this man and I saw HOPE and Curiosity in this boys eyes.
When this man after sharing the Gospel asked well? Do you believe Jesus died for you and was risen on the 3 rd day according to the scriptures? The boy said yes, I do and then THIS MAN said now you are saved !
Then THIS MAN proceeded to set down the rules for THIS beautiful young man to remain saved !
I saw the light immediately leave his eyes in Fact I saw the HOPE that was there prior to hearing the Gospel leave (knowing in his heart it was impossible to remain sinless)
PRAISE GOD we know the moment he believed he was SEALED! but I know from experience the TORTURE this child will endure until he finally hears the entire truth!!! I was just like this boy just 5 years ago and spent the 1st year after hearing the Gospel tortured and in fear that I could lose my salvation and that if I was repenting every minute of every day where did that leave my loved ones who believe in Christ yet
I know THEY weren't repenting of every single sin?
What I'm saying is THIS MAN plants a seed alright ..a seed of fear and hopelessness
PLEASE FATHER IN JESUS NAME send to all those THIS MAN preaches to, a TRUE servant who will erase the lies and plant JESUS in their hearts.


Thank you for this message and for helping with the assurance of salvation to many including myself. Focus fully on Jesus.


Thanks, a clear message . Thanks be to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ .


They are corrupting the Gospel of our salvation. Galatians 1:7-8. Keep preaching the truth!


His Glory not ours...He gets all the glory because He did all the work! excellent explanation of what God did for us...God Bless you brother...many pastors add grace + works...these attempts to change the true gospel of Christ produce no new birth and are a message from the pit of hell itself...Glory to God our Saviour!


The flesh always cries out when the nails go in, it's why we have so many isims and cults, flesh wants to save flesh.


"Saving faith"... What is it about these Calvinists making up all these terms and presuppositions that don't actually appear in scripture?? "Saving faith" doesn't appear in my Bible anywhere. "Saving faith" implies that there is some "kind" of faith you can place on Christ alone to save you that doesn't actually save. With teaching like that, no wonder people are confused about the gospel today. It's not about trying to find some "kind" of faith that will save you, it's about PUTTING your faith in the SAVING ONE. Everyone knows what it means to believe something. Do you believe on Jesus and HIS works done to save you, OR are you trusting at all in YOUR own righteous living and YOUR own works of stopping sin and behaving rightly to save you? It's really not complicated. I'm getting really tired of guys like John MacArthur and their convoluted self-righteousness "gospel".


Hey brother, keep doing what you’re doing. No one was ever argued into Heaven.

(I need to do a better job remembering this, myself. Am working on it.)


Very good explanation about salvation is not by works.Only God judges and because he understands how the condition of our soul got to be what it is he reveals himself to our heart and then we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth.


He, Jesus Christ, did it all, for me, and anyone else who believes on Him, to be saved, meaning to have eternal life. I trust in that, in Him, in God.
In my opinion, dear Preacher, you are delineating the most important issue on earth, I believe. God bless you and yours. Looking forward to meeting you and yours in the Kingdom Of God. God bless you now and forever.


John and many others refine faith and add a modifier to fit their works centered calvinism. He is super famous very well spoken yet preaches a powerless false gospel
