Prefered Method to Deal with Kefir Over Fermentation

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Abandoned my grains for an extra day, got busy.. everything is fine. With a high grain ratio, it's still a good kefir!

I'm using raw milk

If you have any questions about kefir please ask, I'm here to help.

For information and sourcing of raw milk see -

One of the most complete kefir web sites in the world, Doms Kefir site -

For the Russian Kefir story see -

Magical Kefir
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A very informative video, and thank you for not using any background noise pollution. It was a treat to listen to just a voice.


Per Donna Schewnk, you can put the whey into another jar and add a little of your prebiotic fiber and after a day or so it'll return to a creamy state.


I used the spatula technique you showed and it works great thanks. First i used a small spatula big mistake then I used a big one and voilà!


I had a very over-fermented batch (48 hrs). The fat was floating on top with 2/3's of the jar liquid. I strained it and didn't smell very good. If I choose not to drink it, would the curds still be safe to use for a new batch or once it gets close to rotting should I not use the curds? Thanks


I'm been doing same just in 24 hours seems very hungry eating up all the milk and leaving the whey liquid


Im new to kefir I really like your videos is there a video from the start. Do you start your kefir in the fridge then the counter? and for how long?


I just today(8/29) this morning) put my grains into the milk for 1hr and 1/2 on the counter started to get separating so shook it and out it in the fridge . This REALLY WORKS! One question I have is regarding the jar I use for the grains when I am not fermenting? It
catches up to you so
need to stop for a bit. How do you maintain this jar? What I mean is I always s just drop them in and since they grow some, I have been adding milk to cover them. Do you ever need to change out the milk in the jar!


Got some live grains in the mail and they came frozen. I let them thaw and put them in some ultra pasteurized whole milk (2 cups) for a few hours. I then stirred them by hand with a spoon . a little later I had the crackpot idea of dispersing the microbes in the milk medium by using a hand held blender. After 36 hours at 78F my grains were very small but had quintupled in volume. I did this process again and got the same volume increase. After a third turn of my brew sitting on the counter overnight I got a complete separation. Should I start over with new grains or can I keep going with the more solid portion? Not sure at this point if I have cheese or kefir grains. Hope that makes sense think that your presentations are straightforward and excellent.


Yes buddy! Thats good Kefir.. New sub. Most definitely going to watch your other videos also


Your experience or thoughts on over-fermentation being harmful to the grains?
I love over-fermentation (mainly for the probiotics but the taste is amazing as well) and so far so good for my grains!
It's only been less than 2 weeks though since I've been over-fermenting (usually leave them 48-72 hours before straining).
Also, I'm trying a continuous ferment method (milk in, allow separation, gently shake, milk in, repeat).
My number 1 goal is that the grains multiply and stay safe, so your expertise / sharing your thoughts on the above would be much appreciated!!!


I actually this morning used that milk for this new batch. I needed to get the grains into the jar but was too lazy to get the strainer so I took my canning funnel and duped it into my jar I use when not fermenting, poured out the good kefir into my drinking jar the resumed the grains back in but just dumped that milk from the forage jar in with it ? When I did that my jar was then at one to one with grains and the milk from the storage jar so added fresh I’ll on top?? Tho my kefir will be ok since 2/3 of the milk was from the idleness of the grains from the fridge??


So the runny watery stuff is the whey? And this causes bad taste?


Do you think fermenting kefir in the fridge makes it better/tastier?


I’ve been fermenting 24 hours of raw goat milk on counter and 24-48 in fridge until I’m ready to strain it. I’ve been stirring the whey and kefir together prior to straining. Is this the wrong way to do it? Is the whey already bad? I just always thought if I stir it again then the whey and kefir goes back together. Just wondering if this is the right way and if they’re still okay to drink. Thanks!!


I'm giving you another watch because I think your channel is awesome are there any good places you recommend me to buy my grains? Thank you again I'm working on healing my gut so I think this would be very helpful thank you again


how about store bought kefir and milk ? doable?


I understand whey is excellent nutritional value, why toss it away?


This is rubbish the whole reason is to see how he extracts the grains! He skips that part!!!
