Imagine… #pov #imagen #enimies

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Pt 2 (first time doing one)

He walks over to you while you hug him while going closer to him. "You enjoy my company that much huh? " he asks while going in for a kiss. "Mhm. But do you want to do something more than sleep? " you say while smirking. "Say less".He gets on top while you guys start making out until you guys start doing ✨it ✨. You start saying his name, but he says " shush baby the neighbors will hear your beautiful sound ". After a while you two get tired and fall asleep together.

You wake up with a headache when you feel something (or someone) hugging you tightly. You look over to see h/n sleeping with his arms around your waist. You smile because you never realised how cute he was. You try getting up but you him pull you even closer to him when he says " don't go. Not yet." You lay back down and he puts his head on your stomach. "Stay here until I wake back up please y/n? " he begs while groaning. "Okay" you say.

Pt 3

You two went to school together in his car. When you were getting out your friend saw you and ran to you "Y/N WHERE WERE YOU I WAS CALLING YOU?! " she yells. "Quiet down. I have a hangover and I'm a little sore" h/n winks while walking past you two. knew you two had something going on. " She says. "F/n, -" "never mind that... Right now. We got class" she says as she pulls you by the hands. "Chill, chill. I can still walk. I'm not that sore". " Okay y/n." She says.

After class you start walking to your next class when you feel sormone pull you into a dark closet. It's h/n. "Missed me? " He says while kissing you. "Mhm, but slow down a little. I need to get water before class for my headache. " You say. "Sure baby" he says while kissing you slower. You fix your clothes a little and walk out one by one so that you both don't get caught.

Pt 4

ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ
You go to f/n's house after school for a little hangout. why we're you in e/n's car earlier? " you paused looked at her, then back at your phone and said "don't worry about it f/n". You said. You notice she's still looking at you. "What? ""Why did you agree to go to the club to get drunk? " You knew where this was going.

After she confessed how she felt about you she constantly asks questions related to her curiosity. "Because we're best friends f/n." "Don't lie to me okay?! I know you feel the same way deep down! " You knew she was right but you already like h/n (e/n is now h/n). "I'll give you 2 options and you have to choose correctly. Me or him? "

Pt 5

You tell her you have to go, then you take a cab to his house. Once you get there you knock on the door then he answers. "Hey y/n. Come in. " he said. You walk in a little fidgety, but he notices quickly. "Hey you okay? " he says a little worried. "Ye-yeah I am but... What are we? Like to each other?" you ask. He walks over and pulls you in for a hug while he kiss your forehead.

"Together, only if you want to be y/n" he says. "I do, but f/n said I had to choose between you and her to know who I want to be with" you say. "Oh.... oh. It doesn't matter much to me on who you choose but I just want you to be happy." he says. "No" you pull him into a kiss. "I'm already happy with you. And I can't be with someone who makes me decide on hard choices" you say. He smiles. "Well that last part might hard to promise" he says as he points down to his... pickle. (it's not hard he's just pointing down at). "Really? " you say as he smirks. "Really. And I'm just letting you know that you give me another bone when you talk sweet to me" he whispers in your ear.

Pt 6

You stay over at h/n's house and go to school with him the next day. You and your friend quickly make eye contact when you walk in the school building. ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴀғᴛᴇʀ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ɪs ʙᴏʀɪɴɢ. You tell h/n to wait up because you have to use the bathroom.

Little did you know your "friend" was following you there. You come out the bathroom stall and before you know someone throws a bag over your head and says "since you didn't choose me no one can have but me. " You instantly recognize the person's voice. It was f/n. She then covers your mouth with a smell to knock you out and takes you out the emergency exit and throws you in a car.

Pt 7

You start waking up but aching in a dark room with no lightbulb or sunlight. You see your friend in a chair across from you. "Good morning princess" ef/n (ex friend name). You start realizing that you're tied to the chair you're sitting at. "Wow. You kidnapped me because I didn't choose you? Do you have an obsession with me? " you say in pain. "Well I thought you would put the clues together before when I was constantly checking if you were all good" she says.

Just before you both realize, there's someone yelling your name. It was h/n! "H/N I'M IN HERE-" you stop yelling because ef/n pulls out a knife. "Don't scream anymore until we're in the bed baby" she says with a cruel look on her face. H/n bursts the door open, but she quickly throws the knife at his leg. He shoots her with the gun he has. He limps over to you he he pulls the knife out of him to let your hands free. "H/N, ARE YOU OKAY?! " you scream. "Yeah, yeah but I will be better once I get a band aid on my leg" he says with a light chuckle.

Pt 9 (I'm getting into it myself)

A little later after the incident you call an ambulance for ef/n because you still care for her. One of the people who were in the ambulance asked if h/n was okay. You tell them that ef/n threw a knife at him, which is why he was bleeding and limping. He gets checked out and you go with him.

"I'm glad you're okay" you say. "And I'm glad she didn't hurt you... and that my dad's a cop" he says. "That too" you say with a chuckle. A little after the doctor tells you guys that his leg isn't broken but he will need to get it stitched up.

Pt 10 (55 is close enough for me)

You ask the doctor if ef/n is okay. "I'm not too sure actually. The doctors who were in the other ambulance would be able to give you that information" the doctor says. "Do I have to go to the hospital to get stitched up" h/n asks out of curiosity. "Not at all we can just do it right here" the doctor says. "Good thing I'm wearing my boxers. I was going to do ✨it ✨ to you after I saved you" he whispers in your ear. You start turning red.

"How did you find me anyways? " you ask. "She might've been smart to trap you in a basement but she was dumb not to turn off your phone location. That's how I knew something happened to you, when you took too long at the bathroom" h/n says. "You really like me if you're willing to go out to find me huh? " you say. "No y/n" he says before he smash his lips in yours. "I love you y/n" he says. You hug him and give him a light kiss on his neck (not anything freaky you freaks 😆). "I love you too" you say to him. The doctor comes back with some medical tools. "Are you ready to get stitched? " the doctor asks. "I definitely forgot about that" he says with a laugh.

Pt 11

After he gets his stitches, he drives you to your house. "Thanks for the ride babe" you say. "You know I'll give you a ride anytime" he says with a wink. "Do you want to come in? I always go to your house but you never come to mines" you say curiously. "Yeah sure" he says. You're greeted by your dog with a jump on you that almost tips you over. "Hey d/n (dog's name), how are you?" you ask the dog in a playful tone.

"You love d/n huh?" h/n asks. " Yeah, a few years back I first got d/n as a puppy and instantly fell in love with (you decide on the gender) " you say with a smile. You see him smile with you as you do. "What? " you ask him. "I just kind of forgot how cute you were when you smile" he says still smiling down at you.

Pt 12

After a little while, you finish giving him the tour of your house. "Is it okay ig I stay here for tonight though? I don't want to tell my dad why I took his emergency gun" he says. "Yeah sure. But why did you bring the gun? " you ask curiously. "I felt like I had to bring it just in case someone tried to kill you. And I'll let myself die before you could" he says in a lower tone. You walk up to him and give him a long hug. "Thank you" you say. "Anytime baby" he says.

You two walk to your room and start laying down to go to sleep. You wake up feeling strong arms around your waist. You try to move but h/n pulls you back. "Wake up when I wake up please y/n? " he begs in a sleepy tone. "Fine h/n" you say with a smile. He hugs you tighter and you hug him back to where his head is on your stomach.

That's all I got and sorry if there's any spelling errors in this, but if someone wants to continue this, you have my consent. Byeeee😊


Part 2 (First time)

H/n turns around after locking the door and starts to walk towards you, you watch him walk over to you and sit next to you, "y/n look my brother and his mates are here so we gotta be quiet" he says will looking deeply into your eyes. "H/n?" "Yes y/n?" "I want to cuddleeee" you say looking into his eyes. He thinks for a minute then says, "fine."
You both get into bed and go to sleep.

You wake up and see that h/n is not there, so you get up and go for a shower. As your having a shower h/n walks in "OMG Y/N IM SO SORRY" "It's ok".
You turn around to face him and you can see him turning red. "You gonna leave then" you says staring at him, but instead of leaving he turns around and locks it. You stare at him going red. He slowly takes off his clothes to reveal the most perfect abs. You go as red as a tomato, he then gets into the shower and looks at your eyes. 'Omg he is perfect' you think. He grabs your chin and faces you towards him, he then stares at your eyes and kisses you...

PART 3? Sweet or Spicy???


Enemies, to lovers in one night 😮😮😮💀💀💀


"this isnt the way to my fing house, kurt!"
"Oh no..not your home. My home!"


Omg i just read a whole novel… that was amazing! Lol


Excuse me? I can protect myself, mr.H/N 😔


For a second I thought it said “he walked out but shut and locked the door” as in he Fr left 😭


I thought it said “why would I get in the car uwu” 😭😭


I love the way you spelled enemy “enimie ”


"Why do you care?" Ah yes, the common line in an enemies to lovers novel.


enimie 😭

yes i liked my own comment


Part 2
Y/n kicked him and then they shared the bed snd it ended with h/n getting hurt in the balls and falling off the bed while Y/n was snoring and kicking

THE END 🥵🥵😍😍


Pt 2.

You done being hungover find ur e/n and throw him out the window, then you run away singing “IMA RUNNA IMA TRACK STARRRR” then u go in ur pink lambo and go to somewhere other than u live :D (oh also you sing a bunch of baddies songs involving ice spice, Doja cat, ext.)


Did anyone else have a stroke trynna read this?


Could I plz get a link or something to this background picture cuz it’s just beautiful and I really want it


These ppl need to re read the definition of enemy 😅


There isn't part 2 in comments!?!? 😭


This is they're first imagine pov
