Borderline-Mütter und Kindeswohlgefährdung
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In diesem Video besprechen wir 22 empirische Studien zum Thema Borderline und Kindeswohlgefährdung:
00:00 Borderline-Mütter und Kindeswohl
02:50 Typische Symptome
04:14 Was ist Kindesmisshandlung?
06:46 Die Kindheit der Eltern
08:22 Problematische Elterneigenschaften
11:46 Empathie-Defizite
16:22 Auswirkungen auf das Kind
18:12 Toxisches Erziehungsverhalten
24:47 Perspektiven der Kinder
26:55 Objektpermanenz, Narzissmus und Rollentausch
32:38 Perspektiven, Therapien und Hilfen
36:03 Borderline-Väter?
39:30 Stigmatisierung beenden!
Instagram: Tom_Harrendorf
Die Studien:
1. Blankley et al. (2015). Borderline personality disorder in the perinatal period: early infant and maternal outcomes.
2. Dittrich et al. (2018). Child abuse potential in mothers with early life maltreatment, borderline personality disorder and depression.
3. Elliot et al. (2014). When I look into my baby’s eyes: Infant emotion recognition by mothers with borderline personality disorder.
4. Feldman et al. (1995). A comparison of the families of mothers with borderline and nonborderline personality disorders.
5. Harvey et al. (2011). Psychopathology and parenting practices of parents of preschool children with behavior problems.
6. Hatzis et al. (2019). An investigation of the impact of childhood trauma on quality of caregiving in high risk mothers: Does maternal substance misuse confer additional risk?
7. Hobson et al. (2009). How mothers with borderline personality disorder relate to their year-old infants.
8. Hobson et al. (2005). Personal relatedness and attachment in infants of mothers with borderline personality disorder.
9. Høivik et al. (2018). Maternal personality disorder symptoms in primary health care: Associations with mother-toddler interactions at one-year follow-up.
10. Kiel et al. (2011). The impact of borderline personality pathology on mothers’ responses to infant distress.
11. Kors et al. (2020). The borderline feature of negative relationships and the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment between mothers and adolescents.
12. Kurdziel et al. (2018). Effect of maternal borderline personality disorder on adolescents’ experience of maltreatment and adolescent borderline features.
13. Laporte et al. (2017). Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in mothers involved in youth protection services.
14. Laulik et al. (2014). Maternal borderline personality disorder and risk of child maltreatment.
15. Macfie et al. (2014). Mothers with borderline personality and their young children: Adult Attachment Interviews, mother-child interactions, and children's narrative representations.
16. Mahan et al. (2018). Maternal psychological control, maternal borderline personality disorder, and adolescent borderline features.
17. Newman (2015). Parents with Borderline personality disorder: Approaches to early intervention.
18. Perepletchikova et al. (2012). Borderline personality disorder features and history of childhood maltreatment in mothers involved with child protective services.
19. Perry et al. (2015). Improving antenatal risk assessment in women exposed to high risks.
20. Pollock & Percy (1999). Maternal antenatal attachment style and potential fetal abuse.
21. Trupe et al. (2017). Patterns of emotional availability between mothers and young children: Associations with risk factors for borderline personality disorder.
22. Zalewski et al. (2014). Maternal borderline personality disorder symptoms and parenting of adolescent daughters.
00:00 Borderline-Mütter und Kindeswohl
02:50 Typische Symptome
04:14 Was ist Kindesmisshandlung?
06:46 Die Kindheit der Eltern
08:22 Problematische Elterneigenschaften
11:46 Empathie-Defizite
16:22 Auswirkungen auf das Kind
18:12 Toxisches Erziehungsverhalten
24:47 Perspektiven der Kinder
26:55 Objektpermanenz, Narzissmus und Rollentausch
32:38 Perspektiven, Therapien und Hilfen
36:03 Borderline-Väter?
39:30 Stigmatisierung beenden!
Instagram: Tom_Harrendorf
Die Studien:
1. Blankley et al. (2015). Borderline personality disorder in the perinatal period: early infant and maternal outcomes.
2. Dittrich et al. (2018). Child abuse potential in mothers with early life maltreatment, borderline personality disorder and depression.
3. Elliot et al. (2014). When I look into my baby’s eyes: Infant emotion recognition by mothers with borderline personality disorder.
4. Feldman et al. (1995). A comparison of the families of mothers with borderline and nonborderline personality disorders.
5. Harvey et al. (2011). Psychopathology and parenting practices of parents of preschool children with behavior problems.
6. Hatzis et al. (2019). An investigation of the impact of childhood trauma on quality of caregiving in high risk mothers: Does maternal substance misuse confer additional risk?
7. Hobson et al. (2009). How mothers with borderline personality disorder relate to their year-old infants.
8. Hobson et al. (2005). Personal relatedness and attachment in infants of mothers with borderline personality disorder.
9. Høivik et al. (2018). Maternal personality disorder symptoms in primary health care: Associations with mother-toddler interactions at one-year follow-up.
10. Kiel et al. (2011). The impact of borderline personality pathology on mothers’ responses to infant distress.
11. Kors et al. (2020). The borderline feature of negative relationships and the intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment between mothers and adolescents.
12. Kurdziel et al. (2018). Effect of maternal borderline personality disorder on adolescents’ experience of maltreatment and adolescent borderline features.
13. Laporte et al. (2017). Estimating the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in mothers involved in youth protection services.
14. Laulik et al. (2014). Maternal borderline personality disorder and risk of child maltreatment.
15. Macfie et al. (2014). Mothers with borderline personality and their young children: Adult Attachment Interviews, mother-child interactions, and children's narrative representations.
16. Mahan et al. (2018). Maternal psychological control, maternal borderline personality disorder, and adolescent borderline features.
17. Newman (2015). Parents with Borderline personality disorder: Approaches to early intervention.
18. Perepletchikova et al. (2012). Borderline personality disorder features and history of childhood maltreatment in mothers involved with child protective services.
19. Perry et al. (2015). Improving antenatal risk assessment in women exposed to high risks.
20. Pollock & Percy (1999). Maternal antenatal attachment style and potential fetal abuse.
21. Trupe et al. (2017). Patterns of emotional availability between mothers and young children: Associations with risk factors for borderline personality disorder.
22. Zalewski et al. (2014). Maternal borderline personality disorder symptoms and parenting of adolescent daughters.