How Powerful Is Sephiroth? (According To Lore)

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Sephiroth is, without doubt, one of the strongest characters to exist in relation to the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7, but just how strong is he? Throughout this video, we explore all of the lore existence that relates to Sephiroth's power.

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I've always been a fan of the theory that the reason Cloud was able to get the jump on Sephiroth was because of the pre-emptive strike materia he had equipped.


@10:15, Sephiroth and Elfe do NOT come up as equals. She blocks his initial attack, is seemingly severely diminished from the exertion, and basically flees in terror. It's a very impressive feat on her part, because he didn't seem to be consciously holding back, but they're still nowhere near equal.


I wouldn't mind seeing this for every ff, to me it would be a cool series


For me it’s so sad that Sephiroth gone crazy, he was so cool SOLDIER, so cool character, but his own story broke him…
I would like to see a comic book, sort of “what if” series, where Sephiroth is not going crazy and living his supersoldier life.


I would find it interesting if we would be able to compare other other villains, see how each one ranks amongst each other in terms of strength, but that can get dangerously close to battle boarding, so that's a road probably best left on tread.


Damn how do you make videos like this . The editing is just outstanding


So Sephiroth would only regain his full power in advent children if the 3 remnants merged with Jenova? I never knew that but it makes perfect sense.

In the original game when you finally made to Sephiroth, he went through several transformations.

1st his human born during a conversation between cloud and his companions.

2nd form is when the fight began, Sephiroth appeared like a metamorphosis between a angel and demon.

3rd and final form Sephiroth takes on a more seraphim godlike appearance, where Sephiroth mainly used powerful magic and his move set were deadly, especially in the original Japanese version of this fight.

I can see a full power Seraphim Sephiroth butchering cloud in advent children if his plan had succeeded.


Omnislash made sure that Sephiroth was able to divide his attention, and hell, all of his body into different directions 😏 I think Cloud was at his strongest in Advent Children, and using 5 or 6 different swords he was able to create a new version of omnislash!


I think FF7 remake kind of pulled the trigger with Sephiroth too soon. In the original, we didn't see Sephiroth until Kalm, instead only mentioned as a force to be reckoned with. And that first fight against the dragon showed just how powerful he was. It was a great first impression.

But in the remake, we not only saw him earlier but also fought him as well. I think the final fight shouldn't have been Sephiroth. Instead, they should've taken a page from the first Kingdom Hearts game and have Sephiroth be the last match of the Shinra Combat Simulator. The note given before the fight stating that Sephiroth's power was so great, even the simulator couldn't accurately recreate it. That this combat simulator was the best it could do. Sephiroth has fought the simulation and beaten it easily in less than a minute.

But at least the simulation gives regular Soldier members something to strive to. No Soldier has managed to last more than a 60 seconds against it, except for 2 members. Soldier A is the only person besides Sephiroth who managed to best the simulation and only after a long and grueling battle, where A collapsed from exhaustion and needed several days to recuperate.


It was quite quickly how Sephrioth fall into madness, perhaps it was Jenovas influence that makes people to loose they humanity.
Perhaps one reson whyhe hates Cloud becourse, Cloud was just lowly grunt from small town that strike down great Sephiroth. Insult to man that can bring down dragons.


Can you talk about how he single-handedly cut in half the most powerful being in the Smash Bros. Universe?


What I loved about Advent Children is How they had barely fleshed Zacks story out when he gave Cloud that Final Nudge. If players hadn't gone out of their way to uncover his hidden FF7 cutscenes between him and cloud it plays out like a weird acquaintance showing up to the party early and leaving once they helped clean up afterwards.


The one thing I really, really respect about the Sephiroth story is that his “become a god” mechanism actually makes sense. Create an injury so severe that you’d need the whole of the lifestream to heal it. And you’re right there in the middle, soaking it all up. It’s literally the only Final Fantasy villain plan that I can explain and actually understand what I’m talking about.


Loved this video concept! I would love seeing this done for other villains like Ardyn, Kefka, Emet Selch and more.


I really like how in the end Jenova was nothing more than a puppet to her own "son", most stories would see Jenova be the actual villain ordering Sephiroth around and trying to rule the world, but in actuality Sephiroth broke her will and made her into his servant, that was metal AF. Loved the video! I hope the next one is on Cloud.

Edit: The homies be debating in the replies. Chime in if you want to add something


Remake seems to imply Sephiroth's presence in the Lifestream now supercedes time. In Remake, he appears to have knowledge of the Arbiters of Fate and their Whispers, to the extent that he can attempt to change events, which draws the Whispers out. To what end remains unclear, but it still speaks to the strength of his will that even after his two major defeats at the hands of Cloud, he is still capable of so much.


Sephiroth is incredible. It's not just his strength that's fascinating, it's his story, his character. everything. He is not one who is evil for no reason. Quite the opposite. Sephiroth was loyal and put the well-being of others above his own. In Nibelheim, for example, he says that the others should rest, because he will keep watch, and he was also the one who wanted to donate his blood to Genesis.

Sephiroth suffered since he was born. Abused by ShinRa. He only wanted to find his mother and he lost his friends and never had a real, caring family. I wish there would be a way to save him. Sephiroth deserves a better life. in "Ever Crisis" sephiroth said, that he only wants a normal life and that's what I wish for him. a home, friends who don't betray him and a caring family.


I mean, he got beaten by an old man, a cat plushy, and a bar tender…


I remember someone saying that Sephiroth was relatively weak, and his power mainly came from his extremely high intelligence and ability to manipulate people. I've always disagreed with that idea, and this video helps solidify that. Thanks FFU!


I would like to see a breakdown of Kefka’s strength next.
