Prisoner's Hat Puzzle || 100 Prisoners with Red/Blue Hats || Google Interview Puzzle

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Prisoner's Hat Puzzle
Puzzle Details :
Variation 1 : 100 prisoners in jail are standing in a queue facing in one direction. Each prisoner is wearing a hat of color either black or red. A prisoner can see hats of all prisoners in front of him in the queue, but cannot see his hat and hats of prisoners standing behind him.
The jailer is going to ask color of each prisoner’s hat starting from the last prisoner in queue. If a prisoner tells the correct color, then is saved, otherwise executed. How many prisoners can be saved at most if they are allowed to discuss a strategy before the jailer starts asking colors of their hats.
Variation 2 : An executioner lines up 100 prisoners single file and puts a red or a blue hat on each prisoner's head. Every prisoner can see the hats of the people in front of him in the line - but not his own hat, nor those of anyone behind him. The executioner starts at the end (back) and asks the last prisoner the colour of his hat. He must answer "red" or "blue." If he answers correctly, he is allowed to live. If he gives the wrong answer, he is killed instantly and silently. (While everyone hears the answer, no one knows whether an answer was right.) On the night before the line-up, the prisoners confer on strategy to help them. What should they do?
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Prisoner's Hat Puzzle
Puzzle Details :
Variation 1 : 100 prisoners in jail are standing in a queue facing in one direction. Each prisoner is wearing a hat of color either black or red. A prisoner can see hats of all prisoners in front of him in the queue, but cannot see his hat and hats of prisoners standing behind him.
The jailer is going to ask color of each prisoner’s hat starting from the last prisoner in queue. If a prisoner tells the correct color, then is saved, otherwise executed. How many prisoners can be saved at most if they are allowed to discuss a strategy before the jailer starts asking colors of their hats.
Variation 2 : An executioner lines up 100 prisoners single file and puts a red or a blue hat on each prisoner's head. Every prisoner can see the hats of the people in front of him in the line - but not his own hat, nor those of anyone behind him. The executioner starts at the end (back) and asks the last prisoner the colour of his hat. He must answer "red" or "blue." If he answers correctly, he is allowed to live. If he gives the wrong answer, he is killed instantly and silently. (While everyone hears the answer, no one knows whether an answer was right.) On the night before the line-up, the prisoners confer on strategy to help them. What should they do?
feel free to pause the video and try yourself before checking the solution.
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