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Iso & Omen Theory
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Also when a bullet Hits ISO he looks like omen at 1:13 ISO's official trailer


We saw several omen-like creatures in the chamber cinematic and it was theorized that they were made by sage due to Vipers line about Sage "failed her" . Both Omen and Iso are linked ro this expirement clearly so it can be theorized that the expirement was conducted on him by Viper in order to give him powers. Omen says "Expirement complete " when killing Viper which seems to imply she was the one who tried it. Vipers expirement may have to do with interdimensional travel if Iso's ult canonically creates a pocket dimension. It seems the expirement split Li Xhao into two parts- Iso, his real self and Omen, his dimensional "shadow"- quite literally "torn apart" as Omen says. When sage tried resurrecting him it failed because he was actually in another place already (maybe pocket dimension?)leaving him a shadow between dimensions given a twisted semblance of a body by sages power. This allows him to dissapear and reappear which has been confirmed to be how he teleports by Skye. His paranoia ability is his shadow of his former self, a fragment that he still remembers but doesn't quite know how to use so instead he uses his current powers in a similar way. The final similarity is that a while back (coincidentally when fracture was the new map) omen got a model update which people assumed was simply to look better but interestingly they gave him some blue lights and a sort of armor which oddly enough resembles Iso's style, I think to hint that Omen is just a shadow of Iso, brought to "life" by Sages powers which we already know are more than just healing. Props to anyone who read all this lol.


My guess is that Omen was originally part of Iso but the incident caused him to fracture off into his own person


I'm calling it, Riot is gonna release an Omen for every role, for now we got Controller and Duelist Omen


Another cool thing to point out is that ISO could potentially be short for isomer, which is a compound that has the same chemical composition as another compound, but different structures. This plays very well into the ISO = Omen theory, considering ISO is human and Omen is shadow.


updated theory based off this: iso is actually omen, but he is still an octopus


One more thing that matches would be the fact that is hard for Omen to focus due to the fact that he hears so many things at the same time but he never specified that he hears voices or people, and Iso always listens to music (U can see he always wears the earpods, even in the ingame model) so it would kinda make sense for Iso to be Omen's past from this theory, assuming it was a failed ressurect attempt from Sage, causing memory loss and depending on where Omen got shot the impact could've caused a trauma that would mix with the music he was listening to, it also would make sense why Sage feels so bad about what happened to Omen and calls him his friend and considers him very close, She doesn't have that kind of relationship with any agent in the game, which would fit the profile of Omen being chinese


I think Omen is all the Spirits of the Scientists combined that got ripped apart during the first light, that would explain the voicelines: "i'm hearing so many things" or "how many times did i get ripped apart". Its like the parts of the Scientists within him all talk at the same time or their memories cross over, which could be the reason he can't remember his past bc its too many different memories from different lives.


Considering both has a lot of similar abilities, imagining Omen and Iso as the same character isn't too farfetched.


People (?) the "name thing" is already explained by Fade when she tried to blackmail Omen, Omen previous names was John, Fred, Marcus, Yohan and Dimitri. There is also the same voiceline of Viper saying "Fred--I mean, Omen."

As Fade said, Omen maybe was already a "monster" before the first light: he was also a mercenary, it could be that they worked for the same person or Omen did something to ISO previous boss.


Viper was about to call Omen John not Zhao. John is one of 5 names Omen has been referred to and these names are implied to be from remnants of his memory's. The other names are Shin, Marcus, Yohan, Fred and Dimitri. I have had a theory for a while these names relate to people of omens past rather then himself but considering Viper (The only one who actually new omen before the "accident") called him John, John is probably his actual name well the others are figures from his past. TLDR I do not think Iso 'IS' Omen but he definitely has some sort of connection to him.

Also, here is all the known Omen lore for those out of the loop: Omen was a normal human who scientist attempt to turn into a radiant via artificial means, but something in the experiment went wrong and he ended up "dyeing" although not completely. The experiment was partially a success and he remained as a sort of undead literal shadow of himself with barley any memory's of who he was and what happened to him. The only person who knows the whole truth is one of the scientist involved in the project and a close friend of Omen Sabine Callas call sing Viper. Different characters have called Omen different names. Viper has called him John, Fade called him Shin and I think Fred was something Cypher dug up (I don't remember who has called him by the other names just reading the list off the wiki)


My theory: Omen's past self was killed by ISO and now he is back to finish the job since Omen was revived unsuccesfully


I was gonna say maybe iso is omega version of omen. Maybe in the alpha universe iso had an accident and he turned into omen but in the omega universe nothing happened to iso. However, theres already a version of omen in both alpha and Omega universes so this theory is wrong.

edit: the amount of people who didnt even read my comment and see that i already said that i know theres an alpha and omega omen is crazy


In the Iso Official Music video, the title is Renegade, which means a person who deserts and betrays an organization. In the Iso Animated Trailer, he kills everyone who is connected to the research. As far as we know, Viper knows Omen in his human form, and Viper works as a scientist. Therefore, there is a high probability that Omen is also a researcher/scientist. So, what I'm saying is that Omen may have failed the catastrophe and become the shadowy monster we know, while from the other side, Iso, he may have prevented it and become a renegade.


My theory is that Omen isn't a single person, and is some sort of entity brought to life. We've heard him referred to as multiple names, and he talks about hearing different voices.


I think its also supported by the fact that ISO's destablizing move that gives enemies the vulnerable effect works the same as omens Paranoia, having the same sort of shape and the ability to pass through walls.


Ya'll really need a series like Arcane. I bet it'd do so well


He could be from where Kayo is from (future), where Omen could've been cured.

Although, I still doubt the idea that they're the same person since the old members of Valorant protocol should've recognized him already or at least show a nostalgic interaction with him.


Cypher knows omens past, cypher was trying to recruit iso, kayo is from a different timeline and good storytelling has good foreshadowing


And if you remember the REVELATIONS trailer, Omen was shown helping Sage using a sheriff, the same weapon that ISO used in his trailer
