Safety Checklist For Seniors Living Alone

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Safety Checklist For Seniors Living Alone

You’re not alone. Millions of seniors live on their own, and I want to make sure they have the best quality of life possible. That’s why I created this video with a safety checklist for seniors so they can be more prepared in case an emergency happens. Here are some tips that will help keep your loved ones safe while living alone!

Make sure all important phone numbers are written down somewhere visible in your home, including family members, friends, doctors/hospitals/EMTs and insurance companies. This is especially important if you don't have a cell phone or landline anymore! If you're going out at night, leave a light on inside the house as well as outside by the front door (or porch). Also make sure there's nothing blocking your front door from opening when it's unlocked - like a chair or table - because it could prevent someone from entering quickly if needed. Keep any weapons hidden away safely in another room where no one else has access to them but yourself. And aware of what people around you might be doing that could put you at risk for crime or harm! Trust your gut instincts about whether something feels right or wrong before letting anyone into your home.

[0:00] Help For Seniors Living Alone
[0:29] Be proactive with your health and living environment
[1:06] Safety checklist
[4:05] Stay social
[4:41] Stay active
[4:47] Remember to exercise
[5:16] Home care services
[5:46] Live-in Helper


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