Bouba-Kiki Effect: origin of color and language formant vowels noncommutative time-frequency Yuan Qi

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“Commutative versus noncommutative lies at the heart of causality itself.”
Peter Pesic, Abel's Proof: An essay on the sources and meaning of mathematical unsolvability (M.I.T. Press, 2004), p. 142.
“I think we are in the middle [of the Hole] because we built the edifice of physics around ourselves (related to a left-right symmetry).”249 Majid even states that a return to Aristotle's definition of negative infinite as incompleteness (a double negative) is necessary.
Shahn Majid, “Aristotle May Provide the Key to Quantum Gravity,” CambridgeBlog, It was lost as soon as Newton discovered gravity, because real apples cause gravity (curve spacetime as we say these days) while not-apples need not.

"Ahmed's SPECT scan which was displayed publically (Khawatir show; series 10; episode 10, 08 July 2014). (D) was taken after the meditating prayer. T (D) shows three huge changes: 1-the frontal lobe is less active due less thinking during the meditational prayer, 2-the basal ganglia is more active which is associated with reward system, compassion, and positive feelings, and 3-the parietal lobe is less active due loss of sense of self and the connection with God during worship."

" (D) was taken after the meditating prayer (D) shows three huge changes: 1-the frontal lobe is less active due less thinking during the meditational prayer, 2-the basal ganglia is more active which is associated with reward system, compassion, and positive feelings, and 3-the parietal lobe is less active due loss of sense of self and the connection with God during worship."
April 2021
Abdulwahab F. Alahmari

" The famous TV show called “Khawatir” presented by Ahmed Al-Shugairi on different channels in the Arab world about meditation during prayer showed a huge difference between focusing and meditating during a prayer on the brain. Ahmed did this experiment and it was reordered for the TV show “Khawatir”. Basically, Ahmed experiment was to undertake a SPECT scan then pray very fast without focusing, meditating, or connecting with God during the prayer then undertake a SPECT scan. After that, Ahmed went for a second prayer, but this time he was focusing, mediating, connecting with God, and thinking about nothing. The result on SPECT scans was astonishing."

"An equidistant frequency distribution is not a good match to the human hearing system, but more appropriate distributions such an exponential frequency scale are subject to the same considerations on spectral leakage, as is illustrated by the spectrographic reconstructions in the figure below.
So there can be an effective localization in both time and frequency under the limitations imposed by the frequency-time uncertainty relation: the product of the uncertainty-in-frequency times the uncertainty-in-time will always be at least one over two pi (i.e., about 0.15915). This same relation lies at the heart of quantum mechanics, where the Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies to energy and time, because energy is, via Planck's constant, proportional to the frequency of probability waves."

" It is the relative position of the formants that are important. Each vowel sound can be produced at any pitch of the human voice. The vowel sounds are thus the result of the balance of higher and lower frequency components irrespective of pitchshifts.
There may be an analogy here with Land's discovery that colours are
reported as the psychophysiological products of contrasts of higher and lower wavelengths irrespective of their position in the frequency spectrum (1959).
Perhaps we shall find brain mechanisms that respond to such relationships in all the sensory fields (He 1962)."
Programs of the Brain (Oxford U Press, 1978) by JZ Young, FRS
Quantum Paradoxes: Quantum Theory for the Perplexed
Yakir Aharonov & Daniel Rohrlich (2005)
"only the intensity of the light from a kiln changes with temperature, not the color....If we integrate to obtain the overall energy of the radiation field, we find that the integral diverges...The factor kT [Boltzmann's equipartition average] includes the average of both kinetic and potential energy. These are equal for electromagnetic radiation as they are for harmonic oscillators....Since statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together imply this divergence, statistical mechanics and electromagnetism together contain a contradiction."
"So why does the color of light change? We can guess that it changes to avoid the divergence. .. Planck's Law - implies that the color of light changes with temperature."
pp. 13-14.
Oliver L Reiser
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An additional finding that is worth discussing is that the PLF measured during wakefulness remained significant up to ~500 ms even in the contacts adjacent to the stimulation site, which, unlike distant targets, displayed a large slow wave with a concurrent significant suppression of high frequency activity, possibly due to the local paraphysiological effects of intracranial electrical stimulation (Borchers et al., 2012). A plausible explanation for the persistence of deterministic
effects induced by SPES following this local OFF-period is the feedback
of phase-locked activity from the rest of the network during wakefulness.
A recent study employing cortical microstimulation in themonkey
visual cortex demonstrated that, while feed-forward interactions mainly
occur in the gamma band, feed-backs are carried by alpha oscillations
(van Kerkoerle et al., 2014). Interestingly, in the present studywe found
that phase-locking in the gamma band was short-lasting (~70 ms) and
comparable betweenwakefulness andNREM, whereas phase-locking in
the beta and alpha bands was sustained (~500 ms) only during wakefulness
(Fig. S6)."


Bistability breaks-off deterministic responses to intracortical stimulation during non-REM sleep During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (stage N3), when consciousness fades, cortico-cortical interactions are impaired while neurons are still active and reactive. Why is this? We compared cortico-cortical evoked-potentials recorded during wakefulness and NREM by means of time-frequency analysis and phase-locking measures in 8 epileptic patients undergoing intra-cerebral stimulations/recordings for clinical evaluation. We observed that, while during wakefulness electrical stimulation triggers a chain of deterministic phase-locked activations in its cortical targets, during NREM the same input induces a slow wave associated with an OFF-period (suppression of power>20Hz), possibly reflecting a neuronal down-state. Crucially, after the OFF-period, cortical activity resumes to wakefulness-like levels, but the deterministic effects of the initial input are lost, as indicated by a sharp drop of phase-locked activity. These findings suggest that the intrinsic tendency of cortical neurons to fall into a down-state after a transient activation (i.e. bistability) prevents the emergence of stable patterns of causal interactions among cortical areas during NREM. Besides sleep, the same basic neurophysiological dynamics may play a role in pathological conditions in which thalmo-cortical information integration and consciousness are impaired in spite of preserved neuronal activity.


"Generally, during wakefulness SPES evoked a composite response
made of recurrent waves of activity that persisted until ~500 ms
(Fig. 1E). Conversely, during NREM, CCEPs consisted of a simpler and
slower wave, composed of three consecutive events, which we will
henceforth call components 1, 2 and 3 (Figs. 1E and 2). The polarity of
these components could be inverted depending on the location of the
recording contacts (Fig. S2). In all cases, component 1 was a sharp
peak (between 10 and 50 ms), component 2 was a prominent rebound
of opposite polarity (peaking ~200 ms), and component 3 was an
ensuing, smoother deflection in the same direction as component 1.
Quantitatively, cortical responses to SPES during NREM were characterized
by a prevalent low frequency (0.5–4 Hz) oscillation that was invariably
reduced during wakefulness (Fig. 2A)."


"Notably, during wakefulness PLF [Phase Locking Frequency] was long lasting and remained significant until ~500 ms even for the few contacts adjacent to the stimulation site, which reacted with a slowwave and a suppression of high frequency similar to NREM (Fig. 2B)." Wow - so the phase locking must be noncommutative phase!! "Hence, cortical responses to SPES during NREM were characterized by a prominent low frequency (0.5–4 Hz) oscillation, by a significant suppression of high-frequency (20–100 Hz) activity and by an early (~200 ms) obliteration of phase-locked, deterministic effects. By contrast, during wakefulness,
when the low frequency component was reduced and the suppression of high frequency was absent, the PLF remained significant
until ~500 ms after SPES."


the remaining part is employed to deform the space-time surrounding it and, hence,
it is stored in this deformation....In this connection, let us notice that the hollow wave seen as “shadow of light” (which
affects quantum objects in seemingly inaccessible and far regions) apparently represents an action-....If the interpretation we have given here is correct, our experiments, among the others, do provide for the first time direct evidence for the Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm waves and yield a measurement of the energy associated to them."


There are numerous subject areas covered throughout "Quantum Paradoxes", but I will review the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect, quantum measurement, and a particular type of measurement called weak measurement.

One might expect that if an electron passes through a double slit in which neither region after the slit has an electric or magnetic field, then there will be no effect on the electron. However, it turns out that there is an observable non-local quantum effect, which shifts the interference pattern. This remarkable prediction by AB is presented in Chapter 4 very clearly for two different cases. In one case there is a capacitor in the middle of the slits whereby there is an electric field inside the plates of the capacitor but there is no electric field where the electron emerges through either slit. In another case there is an inductor in the middle that causes a magnetic field again in a limited region but is zero where the electron moves through the slits. In both cases, it is shown why one sees an effect and this is explained by the necessity for use of potentials in the Hamiltonian as opposed to the EM field strengths. One can see the significance of potentials and understands the non-local effect on the electron. The AB effect turns out to extend to a grating of slits and incorporates the use of modular position and momentum and also the relation of AB to Berry's phase is shown.

Another important example where this book provides the reader understanding rather than just calculations is quantum measurement. Quantum measurement is covered in substantial detail; Chapters 7 through 16 examine various aspects of quantum measurement. "Quantum Paradoxes" utilizes a method proposed by von Neumann to analyze measurement by which an interaction Hamiltonian related to the observable being measured is used. The uncertainty principle is analyzed using this model and there is also a chapter devoted to non-canonical quantities such as velocity which can change during the measurement. A chapter on Schrödinger cats that examines the problem of superpositions is also developed within the von Neumann formalism. A related issue of whether quantum theory is complete in terms of the issue of Einstein, Podolsky Rosen (EPR) and its relationship to non-locality, entanglement, and Bells theorem is presented early on in Chapter 3. In Sec. 3.5 the authors conclude that Einstein may have been correct that quantum mechanics is incomplete but not in the EPR sense. A lucid account of the issue is given later in Sec. 9.2. Finally, there is an attempt to come to terms with the measurement problem by the use of the Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz (ABL) formula. In this theory there is a forward vector in time as well as a backward vector that are used to describe quantum state evolution and understand the arrow of time. In the last chapter there is a discussion of this formalism and free will which are also very important from a philosophical point of view. The issue of final destiny states raises cosmological questions as well.

Most quantum measurements that are conventionally discussed deal with a sufficiently strong interaction between measurement device and the system being measured. However, it is possible to reduce the interaction to a regime called weak measurement. The authors consider whether this regime is useful when one considers that one will often destroy or collapse a wavefunction if one tries to learn about it using a strong interaction. In fact Bohr and others have made arguments that one cannot learn about the system without affecting it. Aharonov and Rohrlich succeed in showing quite the contrary--how to learn about a quantum system without disturbing it. They use weak measurement on multiple iterations of particles with the same wavefunction. Such new measurement techniques are now being employed in experiments to gain information about quantum systems.


"As stressed in [1], such an anomalous behaviour for a photon system cannot be explained in
the framework of the Copenhagen interpretation. On the contrary, it can be understood in terms of
an interaction of photons with the Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm hollow waves belonging to those
photons absorbed by detector C.
Moreover, the phenomenon exhibited a marked threshold behaviour. In fact, it was observed
within a distance of at most 4 cm from the sources, and the measured signal difference on detector
A ranged from 2.2 ± 0.4 μV to 2.3 ± 0.5 μV [1]. These values are consistent with the threshold
behaviour for the electromagnetic breakdown of local Lorentz invariance (LLI), obtained by two of
the present authors (F.C. and R.M) in the framework of the so-called Deformed Special Relativity
(DSR) (i.e. a generalization of Special Relativity based on a “deformation” of the Minkowski space,
with a metric whose coefficients depend on the energy of the investigated processes) [2]1.
Therefore, our first experiment allowed us to envisage a connection between the quantum wave
(according to the Einstein-De Broglie-Bohm interpretation) and the breakdown of local Lorentz
invariance (described by the DSR formalism). Namely, we hypothesized [1] that a hollow wave is
nothing but a deformation of space-time geometry. By a metaphoric image we may picture the
deformed space-time, which is intimately bound to each photon, as the shadow of the photon."
