Catherine Chapey CT IANDS 2024 03 11

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Rev Catherine Chapey is an Ordained InterSpiritual Minister, Certified Spiritual Counselor, Spiritualist Medium, Healer, and a Trance Channel for The Council of Light. She is also a Certified Hypnotist and a Level 2 QHHT Hypnotist (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique). QHHT is a Specific Hypnosis Method created by the late Dolores Cannon with whom Catherine trained directly in 2014. Catherine is also a writer, artist, and future author.

Catherine has had many different types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences throughout her lifetime including OBE’s, Mystical Experiences, and Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings where she has experienced Oneness with the Divine and connected with her Spirit Guides, Angels, and deceased loved ones in Spirit. She has had several Shared Death Experiences with loved ones, and also with her loving fur babies. She has had after-death communications from the spirit world, and experiences with Masters, Guides and Angels.

Catherine is also a UFO and ET Contactee of many different types of Inter-dimensional Beings and UFOs. They have appeared to her in her consciousness, in her home, in her yard, in dreams, visions, meditations, and in this 3D physical reality. Over the past 17 years Catherine has been documenting her Spiritual and Mystical Experiences, Dreams, Visions, Synchronicities, UFO Encounters, Orb Encounters, and ET Visitations. These are creative and loving reminders, which often occur with Spiritual Experiences. These Beings of Light and Love have come through in unique, fun, creative, Loving, joy-filled and very synchronistic ways to show that “They Are Here!” These experiences have been uplifting and Loving, showing her that we are never alone and that we are always supported, guided and Loved.

Catherine is a Facilitator and Moderator for IANDS “International Association for Near Death Studies” Sharing Groups since 2020. She is also an Advisory Board member of and a Facilitator for SAI “Spiritual Awakenings International” Sharing Circles since 2021.
Catherine hosts and facilitates three Zoom groups for all different types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. These groups are held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm Eastern Time. They are as follows:
Register and/or Subscribe As Follows:
• “Safe Space Sharing” Zoom Group (Not Recorded) - 1st Tuesday 7PM EST
• “UFO ET Experiencers” Zoom Group, Speaker Q and A - 2nd Tuesday 7PM EST
• “Spiritual Experiencers” Zoom Group, Speaker Q and A - 4th Tuesday 7PM EST
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