The Peano Arithmetic

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The Peano arithmetic is another name for the arithmetic of the natural numbers. This video is intended to be watched after the video on the natural numbers (in the playlist on Set Theory) as it builds on theory introduced there. In this video we prove that the addition law on the natural numbers is associative and commutative. We then move on to prove that the multiplication law is associative, commutative and distributive. All of this is proved using induction.
The Peano Axioms
What Does It Mean to Be a Number? (The Peano Axioms) | Infinite Series
The Basics of Peano Arithmetic
What is Peano Arithmetic?
What is Number? (a Peano arithmetic primer)
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The Peano Arithmetic
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Peano Axioms: What are Natural Numbers?
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The Peano Axioms: Addition
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Crapaxioms of Peano
The Peano Axioms: Cancellation
Who discovered the Peano axioms? | Philosophy
Logic - Peano Arithmetic Proofs, Fitch-style
Interpreting Peano Arithmetic in Set Theory
Peano Axioms 1.2. Constructing the Natural Numbers by Using Peano Axioms.
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