What is a Power Amplifier, And Do I Need One?
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Mitch Gallagher explains who a power amplifier is, and how it fits into your audio ecosystem.
A power amplifier, also known as a power amp, is a device that raises a line level signal to speaker level. The signal coming into a power amp is often very weak, but the power amplifier circuitry amplifies it greatly, allowing it to drive your speakers. When you’re looking for a power amp for your PA rig, it’s better to choose a power amplifier with more power than the peak power of your speakers, since most blown and damaged speakers are the result of pushing an under-powered power amp into clipping. Use a power amplifier that delivers twice the program power rating of your speaker to make sure you have enough headroom to minimize risk to your speakers. Still not sure which power amplifier is right for you? Your Sweetwater Sales Engineer can help you find the perfect power amp for your set up.