Advance PHP Full Crash Course 2022 | PHP Advanced Concepts

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In this video we are going to see the basics of Advanced PHP . These are the fundamentals of Advanced PHP and essential trainings. we will see more and more in upcoming videos.

Exercise Files Direct Link:-👇👇👇

PHP Essential Trainings Course:-👇👇👇

PHP OOPs Concepts Tutorial:-👇👇👇

PHP Tutorials for Beginners to Master | A-Z Concepts in PHP
PHP Full Playlist:-👇👇👇

Full-Stack JavaScript App Development tutorial:-👇👇👇

Creating and Hosting Full-Stack Site using React:-👇👇👇

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Where There is a Will There is a Way 💘

//Chapters and time splits

00:00:00-00:00:46 Welcome
00:00:47-00:01:20 What you should know
00:01:21-00:01:52 How to use exercise files
00:01:53-00:06:36 PHP namespaces overview
00:06:37-00:10:23 Use PHP namespaces
00:10:24-00:15:49 Composer overview
00:15:50-00:18:53 PHP interface overview
00:18:54-00:22:02 Create an interface
00:22:03-00:25:01 Extend an interface
00:25:02-00:29:50 PHP standard interfaces
00:29:51-00:31:25 PHP Traits overview
00:31:26-00:34:22 Create a Trait
00:34:23-00:39:33 PHP magic methods
00:39:34-00:44:30 PHP constructors and deconstructors
00:44:31-00:48:42 PHP singletons
00:48:43-00:50:35 PHP abstract classes overview
00:50:36-00:54:45 Create an abstract class
00:54:46-00:58:37 PHP Iterator overview
00:58:38-01:02:06 Create an iterator
01:02:07-01:05:51 Stacking iterators
01:05:52-01:09:41 SPL iterators
01:09:42-01:14:43 PHP generator overview
01:14:44-01:18:43 Create a generator
01:18:44-01:23:44 PHP password hashing
01:23:45-01:25:45 PHP password verification
01:25:46-01:28:58 Update PHP passwords
01:28:59-01:34:11 Basic PHP type hints
01:34:12-01:38:05 PHP strict type declarations
01:38:06-01:42:24 PHP return types
01:42:25-01:47:17 PHP closure overview
01:47:18-01:50:39 Create a closure
01:50:40-01:54:12 Advanced closures
01:54:13-01:59:08 PHP exception overview
01:59:09-02:02:03 Throw an exception
02:02:04-02:05:19 Nested exceptions
02:05:20-02:10:40 PHP SPL exceptions
02:10:41-02:14:25 Extend PHP exceptions
02:14:26-02:17:05 Finally block
Рекомендации по теме

Great video so far! You should make a video series on how WordPress was built! :)


Highly appreciated, please create course in Unit and Automated Testing. From beginner to advance for a complete brush up of skills. I will buy it.


Thank you. You have became my new mentor.


You will remember me as I will always thankful to you and the one who comments regularly on this beautiful videos... ❤️❤️


Fibonachi Sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34. There are two 1s.


Got a question about interfaces:
We make an interface and impelement it as a class which have some public functions those return some values. And then we use those functions with calling the class and use the methods we just created. What is the point interface here? we could just create a normal class with two functions and call them and return the values. I mean what exactly does interface here?
In the other words, we could just code:

class Table{
public function save(array $data){
return "foo";
public function log($message){
return $message;

echo (new Table())->save([]) . "\n";
echo (new Table())->log();

These line do exactly the same!
