☆SERENA SURPASSING DAWN?! // Pokemon Anime Discussion☆

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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey whaaaaaaaaaaz up my dear boys and girls it's your PRB12 here and WELCOME to another discussion video! 8D after trying to come up with new video ideas , for whatever reason I remembered a specific episode in dp and I thought to myself: is there a possibility that Serena one day could surpass dawn? :O

I know it sounds so crazy, but I actually can back my statement up with some legit arguments (or at least I hope they are legit xD)

SO if you wanna know more then grab some popcorn, grab some cookies and hopefully you gyus will enjoy! :D

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Sorry for not uploading/ being inactive for so long! :O But I really got my motivation back & I hope that you guys will enjoy my discussion video! 8D

and just like always: HAVE A NICE DAY!

PS: Hopefully I can release my next crack soon! xD (Release the CRACKen! xD )


Comment section...

49%=Serena is best!
49%=Dawn is best!
1%=Great video.
1%=Something perverted. XD


Dawn is better!!! i miss pearlshipping!


I knew this discussion would happen eventually...I can already see the wars in the comments lol. Anyway, Dawn will forever remain my most favorite pokegirl. Nothing wrong with Serena potentially surpassing Dawn as a performer/coordinator, but it depends on the type of "tournament". If its only about performing then Serena takes it since she has more variety in performances like baking and what have you. If its contest related with battling then Dawn sweeps her. Either way both characters have room to improve in the areas they are lacking.


That's crazy how you did this video after I talked about who's better serena or dawn haha


Serena surpassing Dawn is so not true. Let's also be honest here, while I do acknowledge Serena did get a decent character development... Pokémon Performances can't be compared to Pokémon Contests because Pokémon Contests is not only about Performances but also Pokémon Battles which made it much harder for Dawn throughout DP. She trained with her Pokémon very often to make it better in both performances and battles something Serena did not go through at all and I really find it unfair when people say both performances and contests are not much different which is not true. Dawn's rivals might not be well-written which I agree but they were still decent and Serena's rivals are a joke for sure.


I like Dawn better since she had a motivating story in her series. Serena's plot was mostly about her crush on Ash, and it was enjoyable to watch but it overtook her Kalos princess arc. Plus I felt like Serena didn't have a lot of personality she's just girly which is 2 dimensional. Dawn is girly but she had a drive. She was willing to learn and work to become the best coordinator. Learning is one of the things that made Dawn relatable to me. In my opinion Dawn is interesting than Serena.


me the second I saw the title:



#DawnDefenseSquad 😂

But I loved the video, just like always ^~^


Black and white : shows dawn improved already before serena comes and all that future stuff.


Serena can surpassing Dawn in Appeal rounds but battle rounds, she can't not.
In battles, Dawn is Ash equal. Some say May too, but remember she is equal with Ash in Contest battle, not regular battle.


Dawn has always been my favorite pokegirl even though I never shipped her with ash because I feel their relationship was teacher pupil rather than romantic


fun fact: I always thought zoey was a boy back in the old days. XD


Every pokegirl is inspired by Brock, the original pokegirl. The best of the best. Brock was and still is revolutionary. No pokegirl has been as good as Brock. When someone says pokegirl, u must think of Brock first


actually Dawn is the only Pokegirl to have her own harem (Paul, Barry, Conway, Kenny, Khoury, Zoey, Ursula, Leona, Ash, Piplup, Brock, Cynthia, May, Iris, Lyra) which means that she is sexier than Serena but i am still an amourshipper


I can see her becoming a good coordinatior, but I doubt she'll beat Dawn. Dawn has always wanted to be a coordinator and if you've always wanted to do something that fuels you to work harder for it (I'm speaking from my personal experience, as somebody who is following their dream) she also has her mother, a professonal coordinator, she wants to surpass her mother, which fuels ones determination. Dawn is also by far one of the strongest female trainers we've had. Dawn aslo was able to surpass May as a coordinator when she still was a pretty new coordinator.

Serena on the other hand have an advantage with being slightly famous in Kalos already, when Dawn and May started their coordinator days they was new trainers, however Serena has the least batteling experience and the smallest team. You need to be able to bring the best out of your pokemon and show their strengh in contests. there are also way more experienced coordinators than preformers. Dawn, May, Drew, Kenny, Zoey, Ursuala and more. Contests are also more widespread as well, so coordinators can travel to other regions to improve more while still being a coordinator (like May and Dawn went to Johto). She will have a hard time to keep up with a lot of them, who's been in the game a lot longer. I can see her being equal to them, but surpassing Dawn or May will be hard since they're both reconized coordinators, May even getting the title "the princess of Hoenn".


I think that Serena can surpass Dawn in Contests.



so, now I catch your attencion I am going to said something:


Another factor to consider is the actual team line-ups.
Dawn: Piplup (Everstone meaning it's a high level one as well), Buneary (no clue why it hasn't evolved), Mamoswine, Togekiss, Quilava, and Pachirisu (MARKETING). That's a full and very diverse team of 6, meaning Dawn has a lot more options to choose from in a contest for both rounds.

Serena, by comparison, only has three Pokemon that we know of. Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's a diverse set. But we don't know what Serena will catch and add to that team. Depending on what she DOES add, she could either fail hard, or destroy Dawn.

In addition, Dawn handles losses in a very different way than Serena does. Dawn learned very early on to spend time with her Pokemon upon a loss, and bounces back fairly easily. But Serena always put on a brave face before breaking down and needing to either cut her hair or talk with Ash to bounce back. Granted, both of them still get a Zenkai boost and go Super Saiyan in the following contests, but coping with loss is just as important as not getting a big head because of a victory, and overall, Dawn just takes her losses on the chin better than Serena does.


Serena also Surpasses Dawn cause one, she is a Extremely Good character that has a lot of development in her Personality. Dawn has Development in Personality but Serena beats it by 100% from her character, personality, and the fact that she might continue to sun and moon + she kissed ash, FINALY ASH GOT A BAE


Dawn would probably get more enjoyment and be more successful as a performer
