Atlas V rocket launches missile-warning satellite for Space Force

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A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket launched the Wide Field of View (WFOV) satellite for the U.S. Space Force on July 1, 2022 from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. There was also a second payload, called the USSF-12 Ring, that carries several undisclosed payloads.

Credit: ULA
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Dang. I saw that in real life. It was amazing. The smoke had a bunch of colors on it from the sunrise


funny ....sending up satellite for early detection of missles


Space Force gets the coffee and donuts. 😂


I was on the team that developed the Atlas and its boaster .


I love hearing mph rather than kph. Thank you!


Are the RD180 rocket engines made in Russia?


The live data on the fake rocket! That sums up ridiculous


@Rene Kalucea:
I cannot vouch for the provenance of any shots of the Earth from space. But I can vouch that you can see the satellites at night from the ground. I can also vouch: You can do a really simple triangulation experiment, with the help of a friend living a hundred km away or more, to measure their altitudes and groundspeeds - and they always come out as over 200km up and speeds of km/sec. You can view larger, lower satellites in an entry-level telescope and make out their shapes, and with a simple ham radio set and a directional antenna you can track the signals they produce - so these are signal producing machines, operating at altitudes and groundspeeds far above those of any known balloon or fixed wing aircraft.

That doesn't slam-dunk make the world round, but it does mean these machines must have a powerful and unknown form of propulsion, and are working at altitudes only rockets are known to reach as delivery systems.

I can vouch that, at over a dozen locations (mainly coasts, large rivers, lochs) I've checked, large distant objects disappear bottom-first behind the horizon, and the hidden sections cannot be recovered with high magnification, but can be recovered by increasing viewer height, as if the surface is humped, or continuously curved. I can vouch that this is the normal effect to see, it is consistent over long periods of time for a given water level, and is present on dozens of repeated viewings at the same location, over several years.

I can vouch that the constellations visible nearly over head in the northern hemisphere are right down on the northern horizon when seen near the equator, and are behind the horizon from the southern hemisphere. Completely different constellations, that rotate nightly around a different point than the northern constellations, are visible over head in the southern hemisphere - as expected from the 'globe model'.

I can vouch that the Sun and Moon move the same way in the northern hemisphere as they do in the southern. I'll vouch that at high northern and southern lattitudes (such as northern scotland and southern Australia) they describe a nearly complete circle around the sky, dropping below the horizon only for a few hours, as predicted by the 'globe model'.

I can vouch that the Sun does not change apparent size or shape in any significant way between 6am, 12 noon, and 6pm (I've used a solar filter to photograph it and measure the apparent size to within 1%), as predicted by the model of the Sun's distance being very very large compared to the size of the world, and it's dropping behind the horizon being genuine, and it's shape not being significantly distorted by any refractive effects.

I could go on and on, but most importantly I can vouch that all of the above is checkable and verifiable by any independent investigator, because I've done these things myself, often many times - actually doing my own research in the real world, not watching videos on youtube or accepting claims on blogs or websites.
Don't take my word for it, if anyone wants to verify my observations I'm very very happy to supply locations, methods and equipment used etc etc.

So I feel confident in saying that, if the world is flat, it is absolutely filled with very finely tuned, very consistent natural illusions that make it seem and behave as though it's curved in all directions - so you will need to apply the curved model regardless to get anything done (like navigation, communications ect) over long distances.


0:25 0:26 0:26 0:26 0:26 0:26 0:27 0:29 0:29 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30 0:30


Why does Space Force wear camo? Shouldn't they be in spacesuits?


como sempre tudo no final é tudo CGI.


This is very scary. But I would definitely USA have this first all nations under God. We have some kinks but we are all nations from everywhere on earth, there is no democratic place on Earth like this. Media only talks about the bad and not showing the good. The only people that should have a right to kick us out is Native Americans tell us all to go home. The land of Pilgrams and a dream of a better life is alive still here in America. The dream is still alive.


$9000 ribu billion dollar AS uang asli diusa tahun 2024 jarkasi also pembelian roket also jarkasi kirim ke Bogor Jawa Barat lapan tahun 2024


Keep in mind that we have never been on the Moon rockets can't get high enough to show homosapiens the whole mythical blue marble. NASA only took your imagination to the Moon 🌝 actorNuts 👩‍🚀 driving cars and making phone calls with VINTAGE TECHNOLOGY 😄
