Why You Keep Seeing Certain Numbers || Prophetic Promises from God || Quan Lanae Green

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If you're seeing the same numbers over and over again, God is sending you a message that it's time you become aware of.

The Lord has given me a revelation of the prophetic meaning behind numbers including 11, 22, 222, 33, 333, 44, 444, 55, 555, 66, 77, 88, 99, 1234, and their variations.

These are not "angel numbers" or "master numbers"...and this is definitely not "Biblical Numerology".

In this video, I introduce a new YouTube series entitled "Prophetic Numbers" and reveal the foundational meaning behind each number you're seeing.

If you take heed of the information given to you in this video, it will completely bless your life...and the lives of others! Amen? Amen.

With love,

Quan Lanae Green
Kingdom Wealth Ministries


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I don’t know about numbers, but I know about anointed ones. I clicked on this accidentally. Now, I can hardly move. Jesus! Who is this lady? 🙌🏼


Thank you so much for this video! I’ve been seeing 444, 222, 333, and 555. I knew in my spirit there was purpose behind it, but it was hard to find the Christian perspective. So praise Jesus I stumbled on this video. God bless you!


I'm happy to finally detach from "angel numbers" and call them prophetic numbers. So thank you again!


I was just asking God for confirmation! I see 12:34, 11:11:, 1:11, 2:13, 2:22, 3:33, 3:36, 4:44, 4:56, 5:55! I wake up between 3-5 am daily. I’ve been seeing these for years. ❤🦋 This is the first time you showed up in my feed. 9-28-22 Amen


I’ve seen so many numbers and the same ones every single day for MONTHS maybe even a year now! Especially 11:11, 333, 321, 123, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, 888 I see majority of these numbers I see all the time! So excited to see the deeper meanings!! Thank you!


What is considered New Age is actually Ancient knowledge. Numbers are Universal language. Perspective is important.


She's Powerful and She Quoted Everything From The Word...
I just Ask Someone prey for me because I'm so ready to achieve my Dreams I want to help the homeless drop my album n I love acting
I love to show my emotions


Thank you so much for this broadcast. It was shared by a friend to me because I advised her that for the past few months I've been seeing repetitive numbers in sets of three's: 222, 333, 444, 555. It literally has happened daily for the past 3 months and I've been asking Holy Spirit to reveal it.Thank you again for confirming by the Spirit of God.

Update: I failed to mention that when I see these numbers, it's always in regard to time, or I will see it on my car clock, phone clock, and traditional clock.


This answers so many questions, I’ve been seeing triple numbers and 11 11 all the time for years now. Thankyou Holy Spirit for this Woman of


I always said that everything starts and ends with God!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾Why wouldn’t numbers be important when there is a whole book of the Bible dedicated to Numbers!! Love this!! Thank you for this revelation!! I’ve been seeing them all for the last 2 1/2 years…and MAJOR TRANSFORMATION has been happening in my life! ❤❤🙏🏾


This is powerful! Thank you Lord for your confirmation and reasoning on why I’m seeing numbers. A week or so ago I asked God why do I keep seeing numbers 11:11 and the number 3, or 7 and a few others. My search left me empty and afraid of watching videos on numbers. Today I’ve been in prayer every 3 hours since 3am this morning which the Lord placed on my heart to do and Wow your channel came across my feed, during my previous hours of prayer and I was a bit hesitant. Welp lol the Lord reminded me to watch it now during my next hour of prayer. I did not write your channel down nor saved it previously. I asked the Lord to direct me back to your video and here I am. Because of the Great I AM!


Been seeing 11:11 soooo much l began to worry. Also 9:11, 12:22, 2:22, 1:11, 444, 333, 555, 10:10, 808. May the Lord continue to bless you in favor to do his work. And may he reward you for diligently seeking Him.


These biblical keys are our inheritance as believers and give us both access and authority in God's kingdom. "And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."


For years, I have been seeing 44 at first, then it changes to 444. These numbers pops up everytime so often throughout the day. Thank you for this video Sis


Thank GOD! 🌟 10 years of these numbers, after 7 years he showed me they are Bible verses. You just taught me they are promises. I thought I was in the twilight zone or being stalked by the enemy, because there have been countless trials all these years. So glad I'm not alone in this.


SMILE...IT'S amazing that just today in my office I scribe the number 95.
WHY...in Nigeria, West Africa I received a Word from a gentleman who I had never seen before told me that I would live until I was 95.
On September 22nd 2022 that word came back to me and then it came to me that God Speaks to us through numbers..SMILE..
This is what you Sister is teaching today.
In my office today I scribed 95 to see what God was saying to me in this hour in His End Times.
Thank you Sister please continue to speak to us His Word.


Glory to the Father Yah, my Savior Yahweh Hamashiach, and the Holy Spirit! Thank You, Father for I'm seeing the numbers 111, 333, 444, 777, 204, 1026and 1112! In Yeshua's Holy name, Ahmein...


11:11, 4:44, 2:22, 5:55, 3:33 I see numbers all the time and also been praying Jeremiah 33:3 to show me and I believe me seeing this is God showing me 🙌🏾 the meaning through you!


I've been seeing 11:11 3:33 4:44 2:22 and 11:23 for months!!! I've been seeing 11:23 and 4:44 for the past few years🙏🏽🙏🏽 It is no mistake I found this channel! Yes, I thought I was crazy! I googled asked church folk... I'm so grateful for your obedience to Abba😭 I've also seen 5:55 in the past
