Java 2D Game from scratch - Asteroids (1979) Survival test

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Asteroids Survival: a little bit modified version of classic Asteroids 2D game implemented in java using just standard libraries.


SPACE: start game
LEFT: rotate left
RIGHT key: rotate right
UP: accelerate
shots are automatic

Рекомендации по теме

Wow! Thank you! What a great little game! I especially like that you made the source code available. As stated, the game uses NO special libraries either. I have every bit of the source code available, and I built it right from the command line. Thank you so very much!

If anyone is curious. There are three folders: main, game, and obj.

main holds just one class (Main . java)
game holds four classes
obj holds nine classes

The "game" folder should be placed in the "main" folder, and "obj" should be placed in "game."

And that's it. There may be an issue with Java not finding main when you try to run it after compiling. If that happens to you, just comment out the package line in Main.

No, it isn't just like the popular arcade game, but damn! Great job! It was very kind of you to share it with me, and I thank you, leonardo.


can you upload a video how to rotate polygons?
