22 Year-Old Dropout Explains ROE To Unhinged TikTok Law Degree #shorts

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I have a law degree. I can explain it, easily. The Constitution is a document that provides specific rights to the people. The 10th Amendment provides that any right (or issue) that isn't mentioned in the Constitution is to be decided by the people of the individual States according to their collective values. This is so the federal government doesn't force one view on all the people. And, if you think the Constitution needs to be updated, Article V allows that so long as there is widespread support (75% of the States). That has happened 17 times. It won't happen with abortion, however, because there is nowhere near enough support for either a pro-life or pro-choice amendment. It's great to be able to have 50 different places to live, right? Yes, right: so be happy.


They say women’s rights but they can’t define a woman. Hmm interesting


This Woman always speaks FACTS and breaks it down for ya every time
God Bless You
🇺🇸God Bless America🇺🇸


They're not going to be happy because their voice now gets to be heard. They're upset because they already _had_ what they wanted, and now the _other people's voices_ get to be heard.


I love seeing young people standing up. Power to our youth


They’re mad because they realize all voices will be heard when they only want their voices to be heard.


You can't explain this to people that have been intentionally made stupid in the public schools. They can't comprehend the why.


I had a similar discussion with someone on Saturday about this. We don't even live in the US, but he was LIVID. I pointed out that this left justice was against this ruling and if she were alive she would have voted to overturn it. He went nuts.


I agree. The number of people who are ANGRY that they get more of a say now... WOW.


Spoiler: The man being filmed does not have a law degree and misuses the word 'sensible' so is no authority on the subject.


Even RGB said the arguments in Roe were weak and that it would be overturned.


ER RN, here. Currently in my masters program and about to graduate in a few months with a 4.0. The reason why people are freaking out about roe v wade is not because they can’t get abortions.. it’s that the states are now able to decide medical decisions for women. The majority of the people in every state do not have a medical degree. Under roe v wade, women were allowed to get medically necessary abortions to not only save their lives, but also save their quality of life. However, now that random people can decide when a women can and can’t get an abortion, there’s a huge issue at play.. Since not ALL pregnancies are immediately life threatening, although many may cause chronic issues such as paralysis, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc, people now feel like they can make the choice for women, which FORCES these women to have incurable illnesses to save the life of a potential life they may not want. The fetuses may also be alive, but the quality of life for those fetuses with conditions such as hydrocephaly should also be taken into account, which it’s NOT if people don’t vote for it. Also, people can now vote that women, including CHILDREN, must have a child and succumb to the potential risks of pregnancy even if they didn’t consent to sex, as in instances of rape. To me, that’s not something we should ever vote on, because the people voting do not have the MEDICAL education to make those decisions for others.


It doesn't take a law degree but it does take a functioning brain to understand it.


"Government of the people, by the people, and for the people."

That's what this ruling is all about.


For me, the biggest takeaway and the most overlooked effect of all of this is exactly what you point out. Which is that the individuals voice matters more than ever now. Because it the states get to choose, voting is more important than ever now. Now WE get to put in place people who align with our beliefs and what we want out of our lives and communities. It'll take time for people to realize and for it to take effect, but it's coming


Imagine having a law degree and thinking the highest court of the judicial branch is a legislative body.


It’s in the bill of rights…..can’t make legislation that prohibits states powers


Thank you for such a simple intelligent response you are right on!


Thank you! They’re quite literally giving these people the say through their elected officials, but they’re too ginned up and misguided to understand it. And all the states saying they’ll “defy the Supreme Court!” By doing what? Passing legislation for your state as you see fit with the power JUST given to you BY the Supreme Court?! Yeah, big brain energy there, guys!


The fact that Roe was heard in the Supreme Court in the first place put our Constitution in peril. The federal government overstepped by a long way on that one.
