7 LESSONS Men Learn Too Late In LIFE (Might Hurt Your Feelings)

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7 LIFE Lessons people learn Too Late in Life. You Must Know these things or suffer terrible Regret.
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It's crazy... i lost my fiancé a year and a half ago at 27 and it destroyed me and my kids... it was just random and I kept telling her i wanted to do Youtube. She kept saying do it do it but i just didnt have the time cus the kids and having to work. Once she passed away like 4 months later because of depression I lost my job i just didnt wanna work anymore. But i got unemployment and got a little income but it was enough for feed my kids. I used that time to start the Youtube channel and just go 100% into it and it worked so fast i couldnt believe the luck i had doing YT. Alot of ppl told me it was too hard and too late, she was the only one that said go for it. I blew up so fast with my first channel then started this channel and it blew up. I use to make 22k a year at my job as a Dish Washer and this year between the YT channels and the clothing line i started ima be 60k my first year. I really wish she was here to see what happened. I took her daughter in as my own and all 3 of the kids are happy now, missing her everyday but happy to see me finally happy again. To anyone reading pls dont listen to noone follow your dreams and also pls love anyone that you really love ...dont beef over anything because you never know if they wont be here 2morrow. She passed away at 27 like you never know fr just enjoy the time with your loved ones


1-Letting other people kill your dreams. 0:38
2-Standing up against bullies. 1:40
3-Wasting your prime years. 3:23
4-Letting opportunities slip by. 4:02
5-Not understanding female nature. 4:47
6-Not enjoying life 5:43
7-Not forgiving people 6:45


"Regret is strongest emotion and it should not be underestimated" ...im in my 40's and these words are so true, it's unbelievable how powerfull it is. Regret is synonim with my life...


I’m 49 and this video is 100% true. Be very careful what woman you commit to. I can’t stress this enough. If your feelings are alerting you not to trust them, believe your feelings and not them. Luckily for me, I married the best woman I ever met. I’ve seen a lotta men sabotaged by the woman they shared a roof with. All of them ignored red flags. Don’t waste your prime years. This too is very important. Get into something and aim to become the best at it. Take care of your bodies. When middle age finds you money should flow into your life fairly easy because you spent your youth mastering your craft. Doctor visits should be few because you took care of yourself. I’ve gotten two calls already today for next week. I’m definitely showing this video to my 19yo son.


#5 very true I lost 15 years of my life in a toxic relationship got depressed and overweight and broke. 6 months later I have 6 packs a big smile, money in my bank and I'm educating my self better


You are not hurting our feelings, you are purging the lies that we are wrongly believing in, which are making us weaker. By purging those pathetic lies, you are making us reach our fullest potential. I Thank You from the bottom of my heart on behalf of everyone.

Nobody is coming to save us, and nobody needs to, we are strong enough to save ourselves. Only we can save ourselves.


I’m 14 and still have time for lots in life… so I’m not too late for my age for the watching of this video!
I have dreams i want to achieve and i will stick to what comes best! I know that i have the ability and potent to dedicating myself to my very desires! I shall not let other’s words overtake me.


#2 standing against bullies
I understood this quite quickly, at age 17 when me and my brother became friends with a classmate whos father was a firefighter and had a personal gym where that dude took us to lift weights. This classmates father sait that we should not rely on our friend protecting us from bullies, we need to become strong ourselves. Now me and my brother are in our 30s and thrue the years there have been situations when we had to stand up for ourselves, not just physically, but also mentally in the work office.
I lost my father to cancer in the same year when i was 17 and losing the man that raised me and protected me, made me consider what bullying is. Although it happened, i always hoped that some day my dad would see the bullies and beat them up when driving me and my brother to school. But when he died, we realised that it is only us who can and must stand up for ourselves.


“Dead people receive more flowers than the living one’s, because regret is stronger than gratitude.”



It takes a strong person to say “I’m sorry” And an even stronger person to forgive. God this is so true. The mother of my kids and I separated a couple months ago after 9 years. It took a while but I finally told her how sorry I am for all my wrong doings after reflecting by myself. That took courage. We both had a part to play in the separation. But now I’m trying to forgive her for her wrong doings as well.

Edit: thanks everyone for the kind words. Means a lot. I’m good now though. I moved on. She still tries to hit me up but I’m good. And to everyone that’s been calling me a bitch, I was one. And I’m not ashamed of it tbh. We all have to learn from real life experiences. I love you all


"Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones, because Regret is stronger than Gratitude.”
Fck man That hits like a freakin truck! Nearing my 30s now and I'm really starting to iron out the mess in my life. All that has made me realise deeply that regret is truly the strongest emotion, bar none.
And that saying just puts it down in a beautifully brutal manner.
Definitely going into my rulebook for life.


Couldnt even make it 10 seconds in without almost dying of cringe


I’m 29 listen to this video YOUNG MEN! And if you are around my age, there is still hope for you. Since I have been watching videos about masculinity and the plight of men, I have never felt so encouraged to exercise or had the confidence to talk to any woman I want. Now I look in the mirror after a workout and I’m like “damn son look at you!” And it feels good. Tate was right, I was thinking about suicide, and I saw a video that said workout for 30 days straight now excuses and see if you still want to commit suicide. Bruh it’s day 5 and the urge is gone all I can think about now is being the man I always should have been


I totally agree with letting the bully experience hell. I was in a job once with a terrible manager she constantly talked down to me, told me off for things that were unfair and made cheeky passive aggressive remarks so much so that I dreaded going into work and I was miserable. Until one day she started her usual crap and the anger overcame me and I called her out for it Infront of everyone at work and after that day I never got bothered again. Sometimes you’ve got to show the bully the evil they show you. I have faith in anyone who is getting bullied right now. Stay strong


Thanks for making these reminder videos!


I wish I would’ve known a lot of this back when I was in my 20’s. I’ll definitely share this video around, thank you for posting!


For bullies, the best thing is to just get up and throw hands. Throw em like you're fighting for your life.


These are just lessons for everyone, not specifically men.
Couple this with learning good communication skills, and emotional awareness, and I'd say that's a recipe for success and well being!

This is a very straight forward "go for what you want" kind of approach to life, which is very focused on success, so while it's not every important thing you'll need to be happy, it's a nice few things to think about how to incorporate into your life.


I’m 21 years old and luckily I started getting hip about all this stuff around 18. I am duly grateful for understanding this so early. I hardly go to bars, preferring to read, workout, etc. It is said that men hit their sexual-market peak at around 40-45, but this is only if he’s been working since he was a young man. I’m so ecstatic that it’s only up from here, it just gets better and better.


This man spits out reality, amazing content brother
