Webinar - Covering the COVID-19 vaccine: What journalists need to know

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"Covering the COVID-19 vaccine: What journalists need to know" was organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas in partnership with UNESCO and the World Health Organization, with funding from the European Union. It will feature three panels led by journalists, medical experts, and researchers who will offer insights on immediate issues of relevance related to the COVID-19 vaccination development and rollout.

Panel 1: Vaccine Journalism. We’ll hear from five journalists who will share their experiences covering vaccines internationally. They’ll discuss what constitutes good vaccine coverage and will share related best practices. Speakers include science journalists André Biernath from Brazil, Federico Kukso from Argentina, Kai Kupferschmidt from Germany, and Yves Sciama from France.

Panel 2: Vaccine Science. We’ll explore key scientific developments behind the vaccines, with an eye toward helping journalists understand the global significance of these developments. Speakers include the World Health Organization’s Katherine O’Brien, immunologist Purvi Parikh, and coronavirologist Angela Rasmussen.

Panel 3: Vaccine Logistics. We’ll examine the logistical challenges of vaccine distribution internationally, including socioeconomic challenges. This panel will also explore misinformation and disinformation as it relates to the vaccines. Panelists include Claire Hannan from the U.S. Association of Immunization Managers, Josh Michaud from the Kaiser Family Foundation and Scott Ratzan from CUNY’s School of Public Health.

You can find this webinar translated in other languages below:

La cobertura sobre la vacuna de la COVID-19: Lo que los periodistas deben saber

Couverture du vaccin contre le COVID-19 : Ce que les journalistes doivent savoir

Cobertura da vacina COVID-19: O que os jornalistas precisam de saber

تغطية لقاح COVID-19: ما يحتاج الصحفيون إلى معرفته

Here’s a multilingual list of resources for journalists covering the COVID-19 vaccines:

0:00 Introductory remarks
21:18 Panel 1: Vaccine Journalism
1:04:07 Panel 2: Vaccine Science
2:04:43 Panel 3: Vaccine Logistics
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Just 2166 views to the date... how sad.


Why must distrust imply ignorance? I rather dislike this presupposition. "Business models that make money out of the flow of false misleading and dangerous content." The pharmaceutical industry tops that list.
