Barbara Natterson-Horowitz: What veterinarians know that doctors don't

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What do you call a veterinarian that can only take care of one species? A physician. In this short and fascinating talk, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz shares how a species-spanning approach to health can improve medical care of the human animal — particularly when it comes to mental health.

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I'm a retired professor of Anesthesiology. One of the smartest anesthesiologists I know is a veterinarian at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University in Ithaca NY. He would clearly be a star in any traditional medical school.

In addition I am always amazed at the challenges he handles on an almost daily basis. Patients ranging from a marmoset to a 500 pound tiger. As a physician I am humbled by his clinical prowess.

Dr. Natterson-Horowitz has it absolutely right.


I’ve been a veterinarian for over 10 years now. From my perspective, veterinarians are the opposite of M.D.’s. I will look ANYWHERE in any article or any discipline to find answers for my cases.


My father used to say he would rather go to a vet than a doctor. I always understood how right he was...


Wow, I see all these beautiful comments about veterinarians and can't be anything other than grateful.I am in the first year of veterinary college and have my doubts from time to time.All I can hear is how veterinarians are underistamated and how they shouldn't be with somebody as big as a doctor "in the same room".But I guess there are honourable people who think otherwise.
So thank you all ❤


I wish I could find a physician as good as my dog's veterinarian.


I am a physician who has been learning from and working with veterinarians for over 20 years. I even have discussed my medical problems with a veterinarian, and received some good advice. I have attended a veterinary conference, and found it interesting.


Cross disciplinary communication is important. And the ego fueled separation of the sciences is detrimental to discovery.


Thanx a lot we veterinarians feel honoured !


I commented this on another video but I found this one and my comment fits too well so I'm just going to leave this here:

I wish veterinarians could get the recognition they deserve and get paid more. They do lifesaving procedures like surgeons with the increased difficulty of the patient not being able to describe their pain, what happened and when it happened, and where areas of pain are isolated. Vets also have to know the anatomy of multiple breeds and species and they have to know pediatrics to geriatrics and all the specialities in between whereas surgeons specialize in trauma, cardiology, neurology...etc and work together when needed while vets do all this thinking by themselves (or with a small team) and have to know the same spread of information that 3 or 4 surgeons would know when combined. And there's the argument for "human lives are more valuable" but vets get yelled at and told they don't care about the animals precisely because this thinking exists. Veterinarians take their patients lives just as seriously as doctors and surgeons do.


I am so pleased that this physician has brought this subject to light. It is refreshing that someone actually recognizes that each discipline informs the other.


I'm a vet who recently underwent laser therapy to correct my short sight, the ophthalmologist was telling me how the veterinary industry was way ahead with its treatment for certain conditions of the eye than human opthalmology and that they could learn a thing or two from us. I love that he acknowledged this, for once it really made me feel like a collegue to other medical professionals, not just a poor cousin.


In Italy we study basic sciences, 2 years of Physiology, 2 years of General Pathology and 1 year of Pharmacology along with Veterinary students.  Veterinarians often conferred with our instructors.  
 My medical diploma was signed by the Dean of my medical school, a Veterinarian.
There is much to be said of traditional medical science.


I grew up on a farm and I once had a rash, that just wouldn't go away. Luckily my physician made the connection and referred me to our vet.
Turns out it was a rash that I had probably gotten from out cattle. They gave me the right ointment and diluted it some... rash was gone within days.

Also, I have seen Vets perform surgery with minimal equipment under less than ideal conditions and its amazing what they can do.


I watched two shows on emergency medicine; one about humans, one about our beloved pets. In these two episodes, a dog and a human had basically the same injury; one happened by being T-Boned by another car (the human), and the other being hit by a truck (the dog). Both broke their backs, both had similar injuries and surgeries. But the human spent 9 to 12 months to heal, was in intense pain, and had permanent issues, while the dog healed in 8 to 10 weeks, was completely fine, healed 100%, and is doing great. How do doctors not understand that the immense wealth of knowledge that veterinarians have can be so helpful to treating humans and vis versa? This video is amazing.


The difference between a physician and a vet is that the physicians patients can tell their doctor what's wrong.


Am a veterinarian who has for the first time developed unconditional respect for a human medic...Way to go Dr Horowitz!!. #ZOOBIQUITY, Let us interact, cognize and improve our two desciplines of Medicine


Don't forget, vets cured ulcers with antibiotics since the 1940's. Physicians just treated the symptoms with Zantac type drugs til they went over the counter in the 90's.


Inspired by the talk. Proud and happy to be a veterinarian


I'm a dentist who was looking for help for the 2 baby mynas that fell and got rescued by me (despite my being extremely scared of animals) and luckily stumbled on this excellent TED Talk.
This topic is not new to me as I myself am an advocate of the concept that a patient can never be treated without multidisciplinary approach. But now i really want to become a vet.


I love this video! Her humility is wonderful. And her recognition of veterinary medicine is appreciated.
