The Doctrine of Christ- A New LDS Perspective

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"Birth, Baptism and Bearing"

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Many have looked to 2 Nephi 31 for an LDS understanding of the Doctrine of Christ in the. However, without the proper context, we may miss the richness of this doctrine. 1 Nephi 11 when critically viewed, though void of the specific phrase, teaches us what the Doctrine of Christ represents.It provides a further understanding of Lehi's Dream of the Tree of Life and its "opposite" the Great and Spacious Building or "Pride" when viewed through a new perspective of the Doctrine of Christ.

This perspective helps us see the symbolism and example of the three major events of Jesus in His mortality; His birth, His baptism, and His sacrifice. We can, through this filter, better adopt the divine attribute of charity as we see the purpose of Christ more clearly and our role as we "take upon us" His name and "bear each other's burdens."

A greater understanding of the Doctrine of Christ helps us to better see the serious effects of The Nehor Principle, one of the Cwic Interpreters. More importantly, it shows us how we are to become like Him by doing what He has done.

This will be Part 1 of a 2 Part Series

Cwic Interpreters
The Nehor Principle and The Doctrine of Christ

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#Cwic #LDS #CwicInterpreters
Greg Matsen
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for this. This past year I have felt the need to point out Christ-like behaviors in my friends and family that haven’t gone to church in years, may or may not “believe”, or just feel disconnected from God. Understanding and preaching the doctrine of Christ makes so much sense. My family who aren’t active in church need to be reminded that they are not far from the love of God.


This was SO GOOD! I’ve been reading Isaiah Decoded by Avraham Giliadi. All through his book he teaches the principle of “humiliation before exaltation “. Basically we have to descend before we can ascend closer to God. Christ was the greatest example of this. You hit the nail right on the head! Thank you so much for your insights. I just found your channel and am loving all your thoughts!


At a zone conference on my mission our president asked us to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover and mark every scripture that was a part of the doctrine of Christ before our next conference It was a heart changing experience!


Enjoyed this presentation- using Lehi’s dream to expand an understanding of the Doctrine of Christ - brilliant! Opposite to condescension and the Tree of Life, I find the description stated by Lehi of the great and spacious building to be symbolically significant - “the great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth.” The people in the building were all elevated ‘high above the earth” in opposition to a position of lowering themselves. Lehi bears witness of the fall of this building- “and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great.” In direct contrast, those who follow Christ down in the water and take the Holy Spirit as their guide, who partake of the fruit of the tree, “having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.”


Thanks. It is always more complex but beautifully simple. Love it! Within the rejection of this doctrine is man's pride in deciding what Our Heavenly Father can and cannot do. It goes back in a way to the war in heaven...


Just a thought as I was listening. Lowered into the water to immerse and rise up out of the water= baptism. Water can represent chaos and evil- the leviathan and behemoth are water creatures. Could us coming to Earth in its telestial state (water) be lowering ourselves into water? The challenge is rising out of the water completely and rising up to the mountain of the Lord. Water-Coast- Plain- Hills and Mountains. Just some imagery.


In my opinion, the most valuable posting you have ever made up to this date. Thank you.


Angel: Hi Nephi, waddaya want?
Nephi: To understand the tree of life vision.
Angel: Do you know what is meant by the condescension of God?
Nephi: Well, I know God loves really.
Angel: Well lookie here and you'll see the God of Israel leave his throne in heaven, be born of a mortal woman, serve and heal people, submit himself to suffer all things for all people, allow himself to be mocked, hated, tortured and killed, and then bring about the resurrection of all mankind bringing us back to the presence of the Father. Is that a bit more clear now?
Nephi: Oh yeah. Plain and precious, plain and precious.


Thank you for another uplifting beautiful message. I appreciate your deep dives into better understanding our Savior.


I really like how you compare baptism by immersion to submission (humility). Very thought provoking! To me, water represents human emotion (life). In that sense, Christ takes on the human experience.


Favorite LDS Scripture: "Behold this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life if man." How does one attain glory? By lowering oneself. By lifting others. Thank you for teaching the Doctrine of Christ with such great clarity! The hard part is determining how to apply it in our individual lives 🙂


Mosiah 7:26-28. Limhi recounts that Abinidi was put to death because of the very facets you mention - that God should condescend.


The conversation between each one, is full of love and the full example of condescension (in the teaching of The Scriptures)


I appreciate your gentle approach to LDS doctrine. Although I don't believe in the LDS Jesus, again I appreciate the clarity you bring to your religion's Jesus.


I like your insistence on using the word "immersion" and how Christ was " fulfill all righteousness" especially considering the symbolism associated with water. He had to be immesed, to take all these things upon himself, to fulfill all righteousness.


This is very profound. Many books could be written on these concepts.


When I think of the Doctrine of Christ, I think of Christ's own explanation of his doctrine in 3 Nephi 11. It includes faith, repentance, becoming as a child, and the baptisms of water, fire, and spirit. And then he warns: "whoso shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil, and is not built upon my rock."


Thank you very much for this video too and the insights you provided in it.
It's amazing how the same tactics still have similar effects throughout the various generations. That vast majority of what the world calls Christianity has once again denied the divinity of Christ as a huge step toward the same destruction.


Really enjoy your in depth thought and the way you present. Get much from these videos.


I dont get the significance of lowering yourself under water to be humble but I dont feel strongly about the purpose of Baptism being to be obedient to Christ just as he was obedient to the Father. When we take upon selves Christs name we take upon ourselves his purpose and mission. By doing that he will perfect us and help make us like him. Then eventually we will rule with him in glory and as services of the Father. Very powerful teaching.
