Ernestine Morrison Performs 'The Average Black Girl' on Arsenio Hall Show

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Ernestine Johnson kicks off the show with an amazing and moving performance of "The Average Black Girl." You will get chills from this performance.

Instagram: @MrsErnestineMorrison
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When I see the comments, it seems like a lot of people get uncomfortable to see a black person have such a powerful message. They automatically call it "racist" and "ghetto" because truth hurts. I call it "passion" and "poetry" They can't handle it! Lol Murica


I hear these things all the time. That I'm pretty.. "for a black girl", that I talk "white", that I'm not ghetto, ratchet, etc.. and that makes me some how better. These things don't make me feel good. It really hurts me when people are constantly telling me that I'm somehow above people who are of my own race. Because what they are essentially saying is that, since my skin color is darker than theres, I'm only good in their eyes, because I don't portray the things that they see on tv. That I will never be good enough to anyone unless I'm the image of what they think a black girl "should" be like. That Im not great just because I'm me, but because I'm not like "them". This poem was really beautiful and everything that she said I related to. I just wish things didn't have to be this way.


“You’re pretty for a black girl”

But the moment we say black is beautiful, they start shouting.


I get told this all the time. Surprisingly it is from other black people.


2021 still an inspiration I love this so much!❤️❤️❤️


I watch this everyday I love this poem


I'm in tears Ms Johnson. The good kind. Thank you so much for this breath of life. God bless you!


That was amazing. I've noticed in the comments that people of other ethnic background seem to think we aren't taking responsibility for how we act when we portray certain stereotypes. That is our responsibility however I believe the poet was shedding light on the reason that black women are "angry". Because we are mistreated for not only being a woman but being black. Since African slaves came to America we were believed to be sex machines which was false but some still believe this which is why sometimes we are treated certain ways. Just a thought


9 years later & I still get goosebumps


You inspired me to start writing spoken word . Thank you so much ❤️


As much as this left in complete awe i'm still disheartened by the fact that we as black people still have to talk about issues like these


WOW. She is such an amazing speaker! I hope someday I will get to meet her because this message is so powerful.


Wow! Just Wow! Love it and hit the nail on the head for sure!


I'm blown away, I love how powerful and correct (because I can definitely relate)this spoken word poem so much. 🙌 Found my society guideline. 😂


She’s so beautiful. So inspiring. So everything. I watch this video at least twice a month. Favorite poem. Thank you for blessing us with your talent.


This was so right on and so beautiful. I'm glad that I had came upon it. Black women in America don't get enough credit from anyone, even black men. The number of black women who shaped our civil rights in the US is substantial, but they still don't have the fame of their male counterparts. America needs to wake up and recognize the atrocities that we place, YES Fox News...even today, on those of African decent. Holding stereotypes over someone is wrong. If you think a black woman is too loud, your not listening. If you think a black womans hair is not right, then you need to change your perspective or recognize that our government is holding them down financially and otherwise. If you think that a black woman has attitude, then respect that her strength and the strength of her ancestors before her are what got them through some of the most heinous acts that we white people could dish. wake up White America! That is all.


we had to watch this in my speech class today & never in my life have i been so blown away like this. absolutely incredible


Could not have been the words together better myself, she speaks my heart - THANK YOU!


Fierce, practically ripped the words out of my mouth! You made me feel as if I had gone back in time and mirrored many of the same instances I have dealt with in the past, and still do. For example, when I have gone for a job interview, and the instant I realize the employer was stunned because they could not tell my race by the way I came across over the phone(sad and shameful)! Your spoken word was absolutely beautiful and truly bitter sweet. TY.


This makes me cry EVERY time I see it.
